It's A Bird!!

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I woke up the next morning and got ready for school. The last week of school.

I brushed my hair and teeth, got dressed and made my lunch in under ten minutes. I hugged my aunt goodbye and ran out the door. I got to the bus stop and sat down on the bench. I was excited to see Peter but nervous too.

I played on my phone for a few minutes until I heard footsteps coming my direction. I looked up to see Peter.

"Hey Peter." I smiled and waved.

"Hey." He waved back.

Peter sat on the bench next to me fiddling with his hands.

Once the bus arrived he quickly got on and I soon followed.

The school day was going to be very busy today. I had at least three tests that I had to do and an essay. Oh boy!

It took me two hours to finish all three of my tests. I was getting my stuff from my locker to get to my next class. I saw Peter in the hallway and I stopped him to have a little conversation.

"How were your tests?" He asked.

I sighed.

"A total drag! I thought I was going to rot."

Peter laughed.

I opened my mouth to say something only to be stopped by a loud crash.

Me and Peter both looked in the direction of the crash. What I saw terrified me.

A man wearing a mask that had green glowing eyes stared right at Peter. He wore a brown coat that had giant metal wings coming from the back of it. Then he had sharp talons on the end of his shoes.

"Peter." I started.

I felt Peter grab my arm tightly. He pulled me closer to him.

Kids and teachers were running and screaming. All of them ran towards the exits except for me and Peter.

The bird man stepped closer towards Peter and I and we backed up.

I had to do something! But my bag had somehow ended behind the bird guy. I was about to do something really stupid.

Once I felt Peters grip on my arm loosen I bolted towards the bird man.

"ROSE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Peter yelled.

The bird guy tried to grab me but I slid onto the floor and towards my bag. I definitely owe Peter after this.

I recently got something from Stark that allows me to put my suit on faster. It was a necklace.

I pulled it out of my bag and placed it on my neck. I threw my bag to the side and looked at Peter. I made it look like I was leaving but really I wasn't. I pressed the little spider on my necklace and I was soon wearing my suit. I come back and Peter is already gone and Spider-Man is here.

The bird guy was trapped in his webs and I went to help. The guy spun around trying to get the webs off of him which, surprisingly, he did. He went to attack Spider-Man again but I distracted him.

"Hey bird brain!" I called out.

He turned around fast and came after me.

"Oh no." I said.

I shot webs out and swung out the building, making the guy follow me. Spider-Man was close behind him.

I could hear the kids shouting and cheering for us.

"Let's just hope I make it out alive." I said to myself.

Me and Spider-Man led the guy a few miles away from the school to an old, abandoned factory. I was about to pass over it when I was suddenly grabbed and thrown through the roof.

I got the wind knocked out of me and tried to get up only to be pushed down to the ground. The sound of engines dying and talons clamping Down on me was heard.

"Not so tough now are we?" The man sneered.

I looked behind him to see Spider-Man grab a long metal pipe. I knew what he was gonna do.

I looked at the bird man.

"You should ask yourself that." Then he was hit off of me and went out the other side of the factory. One of his wings sparked and wined from the damage.

He looked at us and growled. Then he left with a broken wing.

Spider-Man helped me off the floor and I dusted myself off.

"Who was that guy?" I asked.

"He calls himself the Vulture, I ran into him a few times." Spider-Man looked at me.

"I'm sorry for punching you," I said,"I just have a lot of stuff going on and what you said made me angry for some reason."

"It's ok." He said.

Spider-Man then pulled out his phone from somewhere and looked at the screen.

"I gotta go." He said as he put his phone away and hurried out the building. I too left the building and headed home.

I went through the back and changed quickly and headed up the stairs to the apartment. Once I stepped in I was grabbed into a hug by my aunt Lauren.

"Oh thank goodness you're ok." She said.

I hugged her back and told her about what happened. Obviously leaving out the part where I attacked the Vulture.

"Peter has been wondering where you've been." My aunt said.

"Peter was worried about me?" I said in my head.

"How long have I been gone for?" I asked.

"At least an hour." My aunt said.

I got up and told my aunt that I would let Peter know that I was ok.

I knocked on his door and waited for someone to answer.

The door flew open and I saw Peter staring at me. He looked worried.

"Hi Pete-" I didn't get to finish because Peter had pulled me into his arms.

Peter then let me go and looked at me Worried.

"Where have you been?" Peter asked.

"I was trying to get home." I said.

"Peter, is everything ok?" I asked.

Peter sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Yeah everything is fine, I just thought–." Peter paused,"never mind."

"Did you hear that they're giving us summer break early." I said with a small smile.

"Yeah, the school is pretty trashed." Peter said.

"I heard that Spider-Man was at the school with someone else that looked like him." I said."It's all over the news apparently."

"That guy is always on the news." Peter said.

I laughed.

"I wonder who Spider-Man could be," I sighed,"do you think it could be someone I know?"

Peter looked at me and smiled.

"Maybe, you never know."

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