A New Home

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"Are you sure it's alright for me to stay here Tony?" I asked as I looked around the room. The Avengers tower was nice, I just couldn't get over the fact that I would be staying here until things died down.

"It's fine." Tony said.

"How long exactly, am I staying here?" I asked.

"Until you're not being hunted down by a giant bird man." Tony said.

"He wants me dead." I whispered to myself, but Tony heard me.

"Everyone here, and Peter, will keep you safe. I won't let that Vulture get to you. I promise." Tony smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled back.

Tony led me into the elevator, which took us to the "Avengers floor" where I'd be staying. When I saw it, it looked like it was turned into something just for Tony Stark.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

Tony sighed.

"They're not here," Tony said sadly," we had a 'misunderstanding' long ago that separated the team. We stay in contact though, but we barely come together."

"Oh." Is all I could say.

Tony led me down a hallway towards a room on the right side. He opened the door and I walked in.

"Nice." I smiled as I walked around. The room was like the size of my old apartment. A bed was in the right corner of the room. A dresser was up against the wall by the door with a mirror above it.

"I don't think I'll want to leave." I said honestly.

"I'll just kick you out then." Tony shrugged his shoulders and smiled at me.

"That's not gonna happen." I smiled back.

Tony looked at his watch and sighed.

"It's getting pretty late kiddo," Tony said to me," why don't you get some sleep."

I nodded my head.

"I'll see you in the morning,"Tony said as he closed my door.

"Sleep," I said as I plopped onto the comfy bed. As soon as I hit the pillows, I fell asleep.


"Aunt Lauren?" I called out,"aunt Lauren what's wrong?" My aunt wasn't moving, blood started to pool around her body.

"No!" I cried out,"stop this!" Someone suddenly grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face them.

"This will never stop!" The Vulture said,"this is only the beginning." He smiled down at me and flew into the air. Then he swooped down to attack me, but it never came for I was shaken awake by a very worried Peter Parker.

I looked at Peter with glassy eyes.

"Hey," Peter brought me into his arms,"it's ok, it's ok."

I began to sob into his shirt.

"She's gone forever Peter! I can't get her back!" I looked up at Peter with sad eyes.

"I'm gonna be here at the tower until this whole Vulture thing is over. Stark fooled my aunt to let me stay here for some "college" points. So if you need anything, I'm next door." Peter smiled softly at me.

I sniffed and wrapped my arms around Peters neck and hugged him.

"Thank you." I said softly. Peter wrapped his arms around my body and hugged me back.

"You're welcome." Peter said. Then we both pulled away.

"Get some sleep, it's still pretty late." Peter began to walk towards my door.

"Peter," I said, Peter stopped and looked at me,"thank you again." I smiled.

Peter smiled back,"you're most welcome." Then he closed the door.

I smiled as I fell asleep. Every time I talk to Peter, I get this strange feeling inside me. It makes me feel warm and happy. Do I have feelings for Peter Parker? I shook my head. We're only friends. Right?

🕷 Peter's POV 🕷

Once I got into my room I walked towards my bedroom and sat on my bed. I fear for Rose. I don't want to lose her. I would be lost without her. We've been friends for what seems like forever. But, there's just something about her that makes me happy. I love everything about her.

I stopped myself from thinking anything else. I realized where my thoughts were going. I realized that I have feelings for Rose.

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