Peter Who?

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"Aunt Lauren slow down I can hardly hear you!" I held the phone to my ear and was digging in my bag for the apartment key.

"Yes, I remember the apartment number." I rolled my eyes and took out the apartment key.

"I'm practically there Aunt Lauren!" I was climbing the second floor stairs.

"I'm on the second floor now," I paused,"what's the apartment number again."

"Right, 493, I'll text you when I'm outside your door. I love you too, bye." I hung up my phone and placed it in my back pack. Then I began to search for 493.

I walked down a hallway, or maybe two, I took a left then a right and ended up lost.

"Crap." I muttered to myself.

My phone began to buzz again and I pulled it out, answering it.

"Hello? Aunt Lauren, I hate to say this to you but I'm lost. Yes I took a left then a right! What do you mean turn around? Ok, ok I will. I'm hanging up now, bye."

I sighed and put my phone in my front pocket of my jeans. When I turned around I was facing 493. I placed the key into the lock and turned it. I grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open.

"Aunt Lauren!" I called,"I made it!" As I walked more into the apartment I could hear laughter coming from the kitchen.

I stepped into the doorway and cleared my throat. My Aunt looked at me and smiled.

"Ah Rose, you've made it!" She smiled.

"I honestly didn't mean to ruin anything you guys were talking about, I just didn't know who was in here besides my aunt." I shyly smiled.

"Oh you didn't ruin anything dear." The woman sitting across from my aunt said. She had brown smooth hair. Her glasses lay beside her on the table. She wore skinny blue jeans and a neon tank top. "I'm May by the way." She smiled.

I smiled back.

"Well it was nice talking to you Lauren but I should be going, I don't know what Peter is doing, and that worries me. But, if you need anything, we're two doors down." May then got up and left.

"She seems nice." I said.

I looked at the table and saw that she had forgotten her glasses. I grabbed them and told my aunt that I would go and give them to her. I went two doors down and knocked on the door. I thought she would answer but instead I got a boy that looked to be 14, about my age. His hair was the same color as Mays, brown. His eyes were brown also. He had a grey hoodie on over a red shirt. His blue jeans looked ripped and torn.

"Hi," I said," Is May here, somewhere?"

The boy just kept staring at me, then he cleared his throat.

"Yeah, she ran out a few seconds ago, do you need something?" He asked.

I held out my hand.

"She left these in our apartment." I handed him the glasses and he took them.

"I'm Peter Parker by the way." He said.

"I'm Rose, I just moved in with my aunt two doors down from you." I smiled.

"That's cool." He played with his hoodie.

After the awkward silence I said goodbye and headed back towards the apartment.

"I just spoke with Peter Parker." I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

"Peter who?" My aunt asked.

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