11- Let's Raise A Cup

Start from the beginning

No response.

"I'm on my hands and knees begging. Please, I need you. My kingdom needs you... My brother needs you... Lance... poor, poor, Lance. He's lost... I - I can't just-" Allura collapsed to the ground, face balled, and tears streaming from her eyes. "I'm so, so sorry brother! I should have never locked you in here! You were right. Everyone deserves to live their own life, and not be chained down by what their family believes is best." Allura tightened her fists around the fabric of her dress, tears, along with a bit of snot dripping from her face. She put a hand up to her nose, sniffing whilst wiping away the mess. The noises she made were anything but pleasant. Earsplitting cries, and breathing that gave off the impression of suffocation. A state unfit for a Queen, she thought. But how was she to react when the world crumbled around her?

"Oh my. What a tear jerking display of brotherly love." A voice came from behind.

Allura gasped, snapped her head back, and swiftly got to her feet. "Who the... oh my Voltron..."

"Queen Allura." Lotor smirked. "Is that any way to greet a Prince?"

"What are you doing here Lotor? My father banned you from this kingdom. Don't get any closer, or I'll call the guards."

Lotor took a step forward, holding his hands up defensively. Allura scrunched her nose at him, grabbed his wrist, and spun him around into a chokehold. His knees were slammed down forcefully onto the concrete. If Lotor was in pain, he showed no sign of it. "I said, don't get any closer." Allura growled, her voice deep and intimidating. "Why are you here?"

"Such a powerful display. I see you've inherited your mother's spirit."

"Answer me! Why are you here?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. No need to get heated. I only came here to offer my assistance."

"Ha! Yeah right." Allura scoffed. "Assistance with what?"

"Finding your brother of course."

Allura loosened her grip around Lotor's neck only slightly, and perked her brown, pointy ears. "How?"


Keith sat beneath the shade of a seemingly ever stretching oak, attempting to get some shut eye. He was only a few feet from Red and Blue's din. It had already been a week since his and Lance's fight. Now Keith had no idea where to go. He couldn't beg forgiveness from Shiro, Hunk, or Pidge, and he sure as hell wasn't crawling back to Lance. Keith supposed he'll just have to suck it up for the rest of his life, and live off the land. Maybe shapeshift into a human, and get a job or some crap. It wasn't as if anyone was going to rescue him anytime soon. If Allura did one day arrive, she would find Lance, take him, and never give Keith a single thought.

Perhaps Lance was right... Maybe he should've accepted Lance's invitation to live together. At least that way, they would've still had that chance of survival. And being with Lance wasn't such a bad thought. Still, it was too late now. He wanted to escape far, far away before deciding to chase after the Prince like a helpless baby in search of its mother's milk. Because, for some reason, Keith couldn't get Lance out of his mind. His stupid face, his dumb laugh, the way his nose crinkled when he smiled that terrible, gorgeous smile. The images haunted Keith like a lucid dream he couldn't quite shake.

Perhaps it was the fact that Lance was Keith's first ever friend - besides his mom that is - and, more importantly, his first ever kiss. Now, that was a moment Keith believed he could never forget. Every time he closed his eyes, Keith saw that scene play over and over again in his mind. That slow, sweet, inexperienced kiss. It was wonderful... In all his years, he never thought an Altean would like him, let alone a Altean Prince. No, he never imagined anyone liking him physically. Because, well, just look at him! He wasn't exactly a knight in shining armor. And, dang. It was a good kiss, even considering it was both their first. Like, really good. Keith only wished he could experience it at least one last time before leaving for good. During their fight, Keith had the sudden itch to grab Lance by the cheeks, and pull him in for one final kiss. Maybe he should've thought of that before hitting Lance in the face. That was a pretty douche move on Keith's part, even considering Lance's harsh words.

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