11- Let's Raise A Cup

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Allura sat in the center of the large hanger circled by the black, green, and yellow lions. She needed to gain a connection with at least one. Perhaps if she did, they could find Blue and Red. And, more importantly, Lance.

Lance... How long had it been since he first vanished? The days and nights seemed to merge together as Allura spent all her waking hours attempting to locate her lost brother. For all Allura knew, Lance could've ran away as little as a week ago, yet it felt longer than a lifetime.

Stress marks appeared in creases between the dark brown features of her face. There was absolutely no time to keep up the kingdom. She placed Coran in charge as she attempted to bond with, or find candidates who could bond with the lions. So far, the mission had turned out unsuccessful. It wasn't an easy task. The lions could be picky about their paladins, especially when the kingdom needed them most. Stubborn quiznakers, they were. It was a mystery how Lance even managed to pilot Blue, though it was historically the most accepting one.

And the bodyguard - What was his name? Keith? Yes, the Galra. Allura knew it was a mistake trusting him with protecting Lance. Four quintents, and what did he do? Followed Lance through a mysterious wormhole to who knew where. Not even the castle could track them, and that's what it was built to do! Anyone's guess to the horror the Prince could have, or could be still facing! Lance may have gotten sucked into a black hole, or ended up on a course straight into an expanding supernova.

Allura concentrated on the Black Lion. She stood, and cleared her mind of anything but the machine. Though she wasn't typically swayed by the supernatural, Allura no longer had a choice but to believe. This concerned Lance, the most important person in her life. Though they had their arguments, as all siblings do, Lance was Allura's one and only brother, and she would do anything for his safety. He was a person she would gladly take a bullet for, and only wished to see him grow into the best prince he could be.

"Please... I need you." She mumbled, a drop of sweat rolling down her cheek. "Lance. That's all I desire. To find is Lance. I won't ask for anything more, if only you grant me this one favor."

There was no response.

Allura stood, and walked to the wall. She placed a hand on the cold gray surface, then let all her anger out in a single punch. She screamed out as she gripped her bloodied hand, and saw the massive debt she had created on the wall. The entire room shook with the impact, echoing across the halls of the castle.

In that moment, the door slid opened, revealing the redheaded royal advisor, Coran. "Your majesty!" He ran to Allura's side, and inspected her injury. "Please be careful. I told you not to strain yourself so much. Even a Queen needs her beauty sleep once and awhile."

Allura hid her hand behind her dress, and furrowed her white eyebrows. They've had this conversation before. All the same useless chatter. "I need to find Lance. That's my top priority."

"Your majesty... you've been working non stop for weeks now. Don't you think it's time to let someone else take charge of the search while you rest up? Your subjects need their queen in the best shape she can be."

"My brother needs me!" Allura snapped, then took a breath to cool down. "I'm sorry Coran, but I can't. You must take care of things for me until I get everything settled. Is that clear? Oh, and please send a message to the people informing them we are searching for potential Paladins."

Coran paused for a tick, then nodded. "Yes, Queen. But please. Consider eating a meal before you continue."

And with that, Coran exited, leaving Allura alone once more. Allura walked in front of the Black lion, and closed her eyes. "I know your past... I've heard the stories of your time with Lord Zarkon. But, please. I know deep down, you are on the side of good."

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