ten - lin

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Now that Groff has told everybody about Belle, I'm obligated to do something faster than I would have liked. Don't get me wrong, I would do it in a heartbeat, but I just don't want Belle to feel nervous.

Bloody hell. If she can handle what she does now, I think she'll be fine.

Well, time to move.

Washington On Your Side began, and I paced around backstage, searching for somebody, maybe a stage manager.

I found Jake, one of the said stage managers.


"Yeah?" He replied, turning around to face me.

"After the show, could you very quickly get the small girl in row AA in a Hamilton shirt back here? She's really skinny, about my height. Her name's Belle." 

"Um, sure." He says, clearly confused why I wanted him to grab a little girl for me.

"Thanks, man. You'll understand why eventually."

"If you say so!" He says, laughing.

As I went back out for One Last Time, I thought about Belle. I immediately looked at her and held back a smile.

Really, now I'm not joking. I'm gonna put actions to my words

After the show

Pippa backed up and I took my bow, and called everybody else up to the line. Belle was there, standing, clapping so hard. I think I even saw tears.

I look at her and smile. She sees me as I'm beaming so brightly, and gets a little confused.

As we begin to walk off, I turn back to her. I hold up one finger and mouth 'stay here.' She seems scared, and I realize I messed up.

I put up my hands in defense, insinuating that I won't do anything. This seems to calm her a bit, but it's clear she knows what I'm trying to do.

I run into my dressing room and change as quickly as I can, anxious.

Jake comes in.

But Belle isn't with him.

"Where is she?" I say in a panic.

"She said she isn't named Belle, and has never met you, and would feel scared to follow a random stranger who claimed they knew you. I tried to show her my badge, but the whole thing just made her uncomfortable. You know that I can't force her, Lin."

"I know." I reply, looking down.

"Thank you for trying." I smile at him sympathetically. Jake nods and leaves.

I run down the hall and into Oak and Anthony's room.

"FOLLOW ME RIGHT NOW!" I yell, loud enough for the whole upper east side of Manhattan to hear.

They oblige, clearly confused. As we pass everybody I say goodbye, some people confused that I wasn't talking to them like I normally do after shows. But I didn't care.

I walked the way I thought best, to her corner.

"Okay, we're gonna kidnap a girl."

"What the actual fuck are you talking abou-" Oak starts, interrupted by me.

"Calm down. Kidnap is a bad word to use."

"Damn right." Anthony says, huffing.

I explain everything that I know. Anthony and Oak understand, and now they're on a mission just about as much as I am.

I see her walking a few paces in front of us. We don't say anything, just follow closer until we feel like she won't be able to run.

This really did sound like a kid napping.

We get right behind her, and I nod. The boys step in front of her. She pauses.

"You're in Hamilton, correct?" She asks, somewhat excited, but she still knew exactly what was going on.

"Yep!" Anthony says, trying to mask what's going on.

"Wow. You did great!" She plays along with the game.

"Thanks," Oak says genuinely. "We saw you tonight. Sometimes, we give the lottery winners a backstage tour.  Would you want to?" He lies so well.

Anthony nods, trying to act unsuspicious.

"As much as I would like to, I've actually been back there before, and I really should get home and tell my parents about tonight."

She lies even better than Oak.

The boys look defeated. I sigh in sorrow for her, and grab her arm, spinning her around.

"Hello, Lin."

"Yeah, yeah. Follow me." I say, trying to skip the sugarcoat.

Belle yanks her hand away. I can't let her get away again. This is it.

I grab her arm, and the boys help me out.

She screams a bit. Nobody's really around, and anybody who is doesn't care. We try to walk her back to the theatre, but she's kicking her legs.

I grab her by her upper arms, put her standing in front of me, pick her up, and throw my over my right shoulder. She's about my size, but she's so skinny she feels like a feather.

I wrap my left arm around her legs, and hold the rest of her torso with my other arm. The boys are following close behind, making sure she doesn't get away.

"So what happens after this?" Anthony asks.

Cinnamon Roll||Adopted By Lin-Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now