Chapter 14: Ana

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"I guess you were." you say with a soft laugh. "So, uhhh, what has life been like under the radar?"

She sighs. "It's just not the life for me. It's relaxing, but it's too relaxing. Do you understand?"

"Not really, but kinda? You know?"

"Yes. Anyway, I thought I was cut out for retirement. I was wrong. There are still innocent lives being lost, both human and omnic. Kauai could be great, but it's just preventing the inevitable for me. I have to be out there bringing justice. It's my duty."

"I guess that's just the Amari way." Ana chuckles a bit. "So where to I come into play with this? Why do you need me?"

"Well, you see, not only does justice need to be delivered, but people need to be healed. Those who are hurt from war and battle must have help, too. This is why I need you, (y/n). You are a chemical expert. You know several combinations that have healed those of us on the battlefield. That is why I have faith in you. I need you to make some weapons for me so that justice can be done."

"Ana...I'm honored. But I can't do it here. I have no supplies that I can use to make whatever it is you need."

"You work at that hospital with Angela, right?"

"Well, yeah, but I'm house sitting for my parents. Who's gonna watch the animals?"

"Are your parents friendly with the neighbors?"

"Yes. Should I call one?"

Ana nods and motions for you to make the call. She says something in Arabic, but you don't know what she said. Maybe it was something along the lines of "I always know best" or "must I solve everything," but hopefully not "so smart yet so dumb." You pick up the phone and look at the list of numbers for your neighbors on the fridge. You call the Redmonds and Mrs. Redmond picks up.

"Hello?" You hear her say.

"Mrs. Redmond. It's me (y/n)."

"Oh (y/n)! How are you?"

"I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm doing just fine. Are your parents back?"

"No. They're still on vacation. That's why I'm calling you. I've been called into work and I was wondering if you could watch over Woodstock and Dread for a bit. I don't know how long I'll be, but since you're close, I was wondering if you or someone in your family could do it while I'm gone."

"Of course! Daniel knows where everything is since that was his little job back when you were in Overwatch and your parents wanted to go on vacation. You're lucky he's still home from break."

"Haha. I guess I am. Okay. Just send him over whenever he's ready. Thank you so much."

"No problem (y/n). Have a good day."

"You too."

You hang up and look at Ana. "Well, there we go. Let's go to the hospital and you can give me the details."

Ana nods and puts her empty tea cup back onto its saucer. You drive to the hospital and head to yours and Angela's office/lab. You lock the door and get to your work station.

"Okay. What do you need?" You ask.

Ana takes a blueprint out of her bag and sets it on the table. "This is what I mainly need. As you can see, it's a sniper rifle. No surprise there. You don't need to build the rifle. However, what I need it to do is to both damage and heal. I need you to make the bullets it shoots."

You sigh and move your hand down your face. This would take a lot of work. That's for sure. You didn't know if you could come up with it yourself. You might need She wouldn't want it to be used for this.

Mercy x Reader: Your Guardian AngelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant