Two- The Morning After

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My paws pad softly on the fallen pine needles as I chase the dark streak that dodges around tree trunks just in front of me. I stretch my legs out far to take longer bounding strides in attempt to catch up to Damon. But his longer legs and stronger muscles give him an advantage.

I can't silence the competitive side to me and I push myself to my limit. My breath comes out in ragged drags. In and out harshly.

I tuck my ears flat to my head and push my snout down into the wind. The clothes I once had fell out of my mouth back when we collided.

If only I had a camera to capture the look of surprise on Damon's face when I finally catch up to him. His stride falters and I take advantage of his hesitation so that I can pass him.

I can hear his growl behind me and then suddenly I am falling. My paws scramble to grasp at empty air and my head strains to find the earth again.

Damon's body bumps into mine as we roll down a grassy hill. When we finally stop at the bottom our limbs are tangled and my head is pressed against his fuzzy chest.

We both pause.

The both of us are frozen in place, too afraid to move.

Lenora, Damon's voice sounds breathy through the mind-link. But that could have just been from running.

I like it when you say my name, I respond in the same tone.

Damon doesn't lose eye contact with me as he begins to stand up. His dark fur brushes against mine and I can't stop my heart from fluttering.

I know we are not mates but no one has ever looked at me the way Damon is. It's not just hunger but awe like maybe he sees more to me than what's on the surface.

My father is calling me, I have duties to attend to. Damon doesn't move or break our eye contact.

Of course, you are the alpha. It must be so hard having to work all the time. I sympathize and bite back a whine at the acknowledgement that we would eventually have to go our separate ways.

The strange feeling in my stomach confuses me. I don't feel sick but I feel flush and my heart is still racing.

It must be from the run still...

I'll see you around...Lenora. Damon finally tears his gaze from mine because I am not strong enough to do it myself. He trots up the steep hill and spares one last longing stare down at me before tearing off into the thick woods.

I stand on shaky legs for a few moments after Damon leaves. I don't understand my lightheaded numbness or why my heart continues to pound long after I had ran.

I've flirted with many boys before—some girls too. I've never flirted with someone as high as a soon to be alpha.

I slept with a beta from a foreign pack once, I couldn't understand a thing he said but he was very talkative.

An alpha may be a stretch—even for me. He has to run a pack one day, with his Luna, and I am no Luna. What am I thinking? He's not even interested in that way, no one ever is.

I was raised to sit at a table with elite wolves but I wasn't raised to lead a table of elite wolves. Even then, it's not exactly like I practice my manners in all interactions.

I am lost in thought as I make my way back to the pack house. I gathered my clothes back in my mouth, where I had dropped them when I ran into Damon, on my way back. I change into my human form and slip into my clothes.

I jump up to my open window, on the third floor by the way, and duck into my bedroom.

My walls are a fresh light blue color and I have a matching set of white furniture. I walk across my plush carpet to my vanity and I sit down in the spiny chair.

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