Chapter 13: Table Manners

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Everyone was sitting at the table talking and laughing about God knows what because I wasn't paying any attention at all. I was still a little in shock, reflecting on everything that happened the previous night and just earlier in the garden. I had noticed Yoshitsune enter the room, that's when all the men stood up from their cross sitting positions and bowed to him. I stayed seated myself, i just didn't feel so up to being all polite and such at the moment. When he sat down, I was alarmed when I felt someone bump into my side, when I turned it was Hyuga and with a smirk he sat very close to my left. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and I was just about to tell Benkei to my right when suddenly I felt Hyuga pinch the side of my left thigh which made me squeal in pain.

Of course, Hyuga wanted to make sure I don't mention to anyone about his attempt on my life earlier. And I don't have any plan to say so.

Was I being a coward for not telling the others what he did? is this what it feels like to hide the truth about physical abuse? because I feel it's like any moment now, if I even so much as say something, he would surely pull out a knife and slit my throat right here on the table in front of everybody.

"You alright there?" Hyouske from across the table asked me.

"I'm fine thanks," I shrugged off the subject.

"You hog, leave some for the ladies!" Enya shouted from Yoshitsunes side pointing a finger at Benkei who was scooping heaps of rice into his bowl.

"It's not for me!" Benkei shouted back and placed the large bowl of rice in front of me.

"Oh thanks, but I don't think I could finish the whole thing, i don't eat as much." I tried to scoop some rice back into his bowl next to me when I sensed a bowl being pushed my way from Hyuga.

"You'll finish all of it. It's rude to refuse servings at this table." He looked at me coldly, and what else could I do but accept it?

without saying anything, I avoided his gaze and accepted the bowl of soup.

"maybe you'd enjoy this more, it has a variety of vegetables." and yet another bowl was handed to me from across the table, it was Mizuki and he looked at me with his strange eyes then quickly fixed his gaze on Hyuga next to me who I heard scoffed and began his meal with a sip of tea. as Mizuki handed over the bowl, his hand briefly touched mine, and someone certainly noticed-

"Oh yes!! Emily this is Mizuki, he's another one of us from the water village same as Hyouske." Benkei said when he suddenly took the bowl from both our hands and placed it in front of me.

"Yes, I know, we met outside, he directed me to the garden." I was taken aback by his sudden action.

"Well Mizuki? what do you think of her? I certainly like her." Enya interrupted and winked at Miuki and myself. to which mizuki ignored the question as he started to eat his meal.

"Here's something to think about ENYA. You have the same name as a female singer in my world." I know that rebuttal made no sense but I wasn't about to insult him in front of other people, i just wanted him to take his attention off of Mizuki who I know has barely spoken to me, I felt very close to him aside from Benkei and Sakura.

"A woman?! but my father gave me my name and he thinks Enya is definitely a manly mans name!" enya was strangely offended by my comparing him to a woman. Well maybe that's why he seems to objectify women, he doesn't even want to be mentioned in the same sentence as them!

I was about to say something to him when-

"No need to shout please, Now here's a very special dish prepared for us by Sakura." Yoshitsune with his calming voice pointed to the screen door that opened and in comes Sakura with a bowl of food, that from where I sat it smelled wonderful and familiar.

"I hope everyone enjoys my cooking, especially you Emily." Sakura layed the dish down in the middle of the table with a smile at me, then as soon as she sat down, everyone leaned in to take a closer look at the dish which in my opinion looked like it belonged in a fine dining restaurant, it was steaming hot, the soup glistened, vegetables green and glossy and the beef looked very tender and delicious. for a moment I felt good with all this food in front of me. so i smiled to myself and scooped 2 bowls for Benkei and Mizuki which they then gladly accepted with big smiles. I saw Hyuga enjoying the soup himself and tried my best to ignore the fact he was there next to me. with each bite and sip of my breakfast, i looked around the table and saw how everyone eat so heartily it made me feel good. it's been a while since i've had the chance to eat at a big table with so many people, though some of the company I'd rather not be around. The left end of the table I caught the man with the scar on his face look at me then he looked down into his bowl and pretended as if he didn't notice me at all.

I finished my breakfast quietly and together with Sakura, and the servants, we started to clean up, while I was stacking up the dishes, I noticed the man with the scar whose name was Kazemasa, pass a glance at Sakura. He nudged Hyuga and said something to him I couldn't hear, i tried to get closer by trying to reach for some other plates, with all the dishes and bowls making clanging noises and my carelessness of staring at the both of them. As soon as I got too close, Kazemasa snapped his eyes at me.


"Ow! Oh gosh. I'm so, sorry." I slipped on my hands and fell on my chest on the table.

"Need some help there?" Hyuga looked at me with contempt with his steely eyes and Kazemasa watched me like a hawk.

"Jeez Emily, be more careful, you'll dirty your brand new duds!" Hyouske hurriedly helped me up while another servant took the stack of plates from my side.

"Thanks, I'm fine." I said with my eyes still fixed on the two.

I scrambled to pick up platters and empty cups and hurried into the kitchen trying to escape their gaze. As soon as I thought it was safe enough and away in the kitchen, I got a chance to catch my breath, Sakura approached me holding an empty tray.

"Emily, I noticed how those two men were staring at you with such hate it seemed. Is everything alright?" She placed her hand on my shoulder which I quickly took a hold of.

"Sakura you listen to me"

"-Goodness, what is it?"

"You stay away from those two, got it?"

"well okay, but why?"

"You PROMISE me you'll stay away from them! And never be alone with either of them."

"I dont understand, Is there reason to think it to be dangerous with them?"

"Tsk. Just. Stay close to Goya, okay?"

she looked at me with confusion.

"Are you listening?!" I shook her hand with little force.

"Yes! yes I understand! I'll stay away from them."

"Good" I released my grip on her and she smiled at me with a comforting look.

She turned away and disappeared into a corner. Just then Benkei appeared-

"Emily, its time. . .to uh. . . go into the village." His face was blushing a bit.


For a moment I tried to forget everything that I was so worked up about so I patted down my clothes and followed Benkei out the door. But I knew sooner or later, that little encounter in the garden certainly won't be the last.

To Be Continued. . .

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