Chapter 34: Confessions

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A/N: I didn't originaly plan this to be so long. And I'v already broken off from the otome game plotline though I still follow how the historical timeline went. It just feels like this story is writing itself more and I'm afraid if I sacrifice, storyline for less chapters to a quicker end then I fear it may ruin the story. It continues to grow. Please enjoy.



I kept running as fast as I could, the wind being knocked out of me

"B- *huff* Benkei! Wait!"

His horse sped away faster and my heart began to bleed worried I may never reach him.

Not this again. Not again.

I could feel my tears running along the sides of my face as I kept running after him, hearing Yoshitsune and the others call out to me from behind.

But nothing mattered, nothing else in this moment mattered. I had to reach him somehow.

My mind wandered and remembered the Bad dream I had. How I was not able to reach him the moment he would die.

"Benkei please! *huff* wait!!"

My hand reached out further, my eyes blinded by my tears.

I don't know if I'll ever see him again. I need to say something to him. To warn him!

"Benkei!!! B- !!"

My foot slipped and I tripped, tumbling and rolling forwards on the rocky, dirt road.

"Ah!! *sniff*"

When my momentum stopped my face was looking up at the clear blue sky. The weather was wonderful and sunny, but my spirit only felt despair.

My dirty trembling hands reached up towards my face and wiped away the tears, my breath hitching.

The atmosphere changed when a large shadow enveloped me and I heard the familiar huff of Benkeis horse approach. His hooves scratching and shuffling the ground underneath.

"You- ! Ah!"

My tears immediately stopped and I struggled to get up, my hands and legs shaking, exhausted.

"What is it that you want." He asked me with a low dim tone.

For a moment, as I tried to regain my composure, I looked up at his face and did not recognize the man on the horse.

"You just leave like that?"

His eyes softened and blinked as he sighed and held tightly to the reigns.

"I have a message to deliver to Kagetoki, Yoshitsunes cousin."

Kagetoki?? Thats the spy of Yoshitsunes brother Yoritomo! He's a traitor and the reason why Yoritomo thinks Yoshitsune is plotting behind his back!

"He's a traitor! Don't believe anything he says! He's Yoritomos spy!!"

I didn't care anymore. I wanted him to know. To be safe.

Benkei looked at me with confusion

"Kagetoki is our ally. He's been supplying us with naval warfare ships since the war started."

"He's spreading lies and filling Yoritomos ears with doubts about Yoshitsune!"

"How could you possibly- "

"Trust me, believe!"

I ran up closer to him and reached up to grip his sleeve and pants tightly, my feet tiptoeing as high as I could.

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