Chapter 6: Chief General & His Men

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It was getting dark and I was feeling sleepy, my body slowly tilted to the side but fell no further as Benkei's arm caught me with his left.

I was jolted awake at the sensation of his strong grasp.

"Oh! gosh. sorry." I clung to his arm and propped myself up.

"It's no problem..." his voice was still. I turned around to look at him and his eyes were darting around as if looking for something.

"What's wrong?" I had a feeling of fear creep into me as I inched closer to him.

I was in a strange place at a strange time and this Man behind me was the only source of comfort and security I could find. My spirit clung to his presence because I knew, surely, I would be dead in this place if I were alone.

"They're here." Benkei said as he dismounted the horse and helped to lift me down off of the horse in a swift gentle manner.

"Who's here??"

He took my hand gingerly, walked toward a dark corner in front of a thicket of trees then he released me and knelt down on one knee.

I was puzzled. . . What is he doing?

"Sorry to have kept you waiting."

"Who are you talking to?" I asked aloud in confusion looking in the direction of the darkness.

Out of the shadows, walked out a handsome young man in a high quality kimono. Behind him were four armored men, who were also heavily armed; their weapons in their hands. I assumed they were his bodyguards or something. (an added multimedia for this chapter, you'll see Yoshitsune there. I would have added photos of the other 4 but it only allows one photo per chapter.)

"Who is she?" the man spoke, he had a calm, commanding voice.

"I found her in the middle of the battlefield" Benkei stood up and motioned me with his left hand to come stand next to him.

The man then had a questioning look on his faceg
" ?? why would a young lady be in the middle of the battlefield?"

"I don't know sir." I answered him myself with my head down.

"She is not from here, she's alone and cant find her way back home. thats why I decided to take her with me."

"It's dangerous to take in another stranger to Yoshitsune's base! she could be a Taira spy!"


The angry voice that spoke came from a young man with silver hair and steely purple eyes, his arms were crossed and he was frowning at me irately with furrowed brows.

Benkei abruptly added-

"She's not a spy!"

"What proof do you have?" the man with silver hair spoke with conviction.

" !... Just a hunch..."

"You're going to leave our fate up to one of your hunches?" the hostile voice snapped at Benkei, and it made me a little upset.

"Why not?" said the Man in the high quality kimono.


Wait, what? did I hear that right?

"Benkei's hunches are usually right and just by looking at her I can see she is not a spy. She can stay with us until we can find her a safe way back home... Benkei, you take care of her."

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