One thing we haven't talked about though was the photo. I'm sure he's heard about it, and why he wouldn't bring it up puzzles me, though I guess the same could be said about my lack of bringing the topic into the conversation. I want to, but every time I'm about to mention it I think of all his possible reactions and I stop myself. I'm almost positive Zayn wasn't the one to post that picture, so why ask him a question I already know the answer to? It will only make this a bigger deal than it already is and honestly if this problem grows anymore I wouldn't know what to do or how the hell I'd handle it. Probably poorly.

No, definitely poorly, I decided as I finished scrubbing the last of today's make up off of my face. It took a good ten minutes to get it all completely off and it felt good to be the natural Perrie again.

I returned to the bedroom where the girls were all sprawled out and I took a seat on the bed next to Leigh who had the remote in her hand and was lazily flipping through channels. Jade and Jesy seemed just as energetic as Leigh from their spots on the floor.

"Ugh," Leigh groaned loudly dropping the remote and falling back on the bed. "There's nothing to do."

"We could sleep?" I suggested.

Leigh rolled her eyes. "It's not even seven yet Pez."

"So? It's never too early for sleep," I told her.

"We could play paintball like we did in Colorado. That was fun," Jesy spoke from the floor.

"No way," Jade immediately declined. "Last time we did that I had a bruise on my butt for weeks and I could't sit for two bloody days!"

Oh yeah, I remember. Sam had visited us a while back and while him and Jade were feeling each other up we heard a high pitched scream from her room. I guess Samuel just couldn't keep his hands above the bruised equator.

"Wimp," Jesy muttered playfully under her breath which earned her a slap on the arm from Jade.

"Oh! Let's go shopping!" Of course Jade would be the one to make that suggestion. That girl loved shopping more than her own boyfriend.

"No," Jesy Leigh and I all said in unison. Jade only pouted and murmured a "you guys are no fun" deciding it wasn't worth an argument.

"We could go bowling?" Leigh asked from beside me and I internally groaned. I was an absolute horrid bowler, but I suppose it's better than doing nothing for the rest of the day.

"Sounds good to me," Jesy said and Jade and I agreed.

We all split up to go get ready. I pulled my blonde locks into a pony tail and slipped on my sneakers, not bothering with make up. I can only hope it's past the pap's bedtime and that there won't be any flash photography. Actually, I haven't had a run in with the paparazzi since I first saw the picture and I'm thankful for the peace.

It seems the others had the same thought as me and walked out of the door with their faces empty of make up. It was like we were all being our real selves, and it was nice. After a while it feels almost as if we're hiding behind make up as if they're masks, and it feels wonderful to be out of the shadows.

We decided to walk instead of drive since it was gorgeous outside. The sun was just starting to set and the sky held a hint of pink, and it wasn't too cold outside nor too hot. It reminded me of the day Zayn proposed. That thought brought a smile to my face, but made my heart ache at the same time.

The bowling alley was a old brick building located down the street, so we arrived in just minutes. We all walked through the entrance and up to the front desk eagerly. The four of us got our shoes in the correct sizes, chose a lane, and started bowling. I have to say, it's been a while since the girls and I have done anything relatively normal, and I didn't realize how much I missed doing things like this until now. Even if I'm not exactly the best at them.

"Jesus Pez, you suck," Jade had said bluntly after I had rolled my third gutter ball in a row.

"I'm not that bad," I said defensively. "I just haven't played in a while is all."

"That's a shit excuse," she told me smiling.

"I know," I giggled. "Hey I'm gonna run and get a drink, you want anything?"

"Give me a coke," she said pulling out her phone.

"And a water for me!" Jesy shouted once I was halfway to the concession. I obliged and was on my way back to our lane located on the other side with three drinks in hand just a minute later. Thankfully the kind girl working the counter didn't recognize me and I was able to get the drinks and get out scott-free. I was too busy watching Jesy roll the ball and get yet another strike that I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into someone nearly dropping the cups in my hand, but somehow I managed to tighten my grip on them at the last second, preventing a disaster.

I started to apologize, feeling guilty for being such an idiot and not watching where I was walking, but was cut off when the stranger said my name.

"Perrie?" The all too familiar voice said and I almost gasped. After all this time, that voice still managed to unleash butterflies into my stomach and increase my heart rate. I had been staring at my shoes- too ashamed to look the person in the eye- that I didn't know who it was. I raised my head and looked up causing my mouth to go dry, but somehow managing to croak out one word.


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