It's in the Job Description

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Summary: When Tsuna comes to visit Namimori Middle School for the last time, he gets more than he bargains for when his Guardians swear loyalty to him after he gets hit by the Ten-Year Bazooka.

A/N: So, this is my first one-shot I have ever written, and since this is the last day of school for me, I thought I'd post this with you guys.

Just to let you guys know, the title below isn't a mistake. It just has two titles. 


As Their Job, but Also As Friends and Guardians:

The hall was dark as Tsuna lit up his hand. Orange flames licked his hands, and he smiled. Within darkness, here is light. Even a bit was enough.

Seven figures stood behind him. He was just saying goodbye to the school that held his worst and best memories.

A figure took a step. "Tenth." He said, and the brunet smiled at the silver-haired teen. Gokudera Hayato. His friend that would always be loyal to him, no matter what would happen to him. The brunet would also exchange his life for the teen if needed.

"Hai, Hayato." He had taken to call his friend by his first name when he had asked.

"Haha. What are we doing here again?" Another figure took a step. Yamamoto Takeshi. A teen he had saved from suicide. He was just as loyal as Hayato, being his left-hand man. Giving up baseball had really shown him how much he wanted to protect them.

Tsuna smiled thoughtfully, his flames still licking on his palm, pure to the core. The light made the shadows surrounding them flick closer yet farther from them.

"Kurufufu. Careful, Decimo. This would be a perfect place to kill you." Tsuna stared at the figure who had made the words. "Mukuro-sama." A female voice whispered. Mukuro and Chrome. Although the Guardians still didn't really trust Mukuro, they still trusted Chrome. Tsuna trusted them with all his heart.

"Shut up, Herbivore." Another voice hissed in the dark, where metal glimmered. Hibari Kyoya. As the Cloud Guardian, he would forever stay aloof and fighting against Mukuro, silently laughing when he was called a 'pineapple' for his hair and never deny his challenges. Tsuna trusted him to keep his blood lust in check, as hard as it was for the skylark. Though, he wondered why he never went to High School yet.

"PLEASE DON'T EXTREMELY FIGHT!" A loud voice interrupted. Ryohei. Another voice joined in. "Gyahahaha! You shall bow down to the great Lambo-sama!" Lambo. They both haven't changed, and their resolves were as strong as ever. Though, their interrupting nearly got them killed. Tsuna smiled softly again as he looked at all his Guardians.

Unfortunately, Lambo, who was now six-years-old, took his moment to bring out the ten-year-bazooka. Without a word, it flew towards Tsuna, who flicked his eyes at it nervously, but his muscles struggled to move as it covered him, and pink smoke filled the hallway.

The Guardians cried out for their Sky, only to see a figure standing, in Hyper Dying Will Mode, eyes filled with tears and Sky Flames lit his hands, which were covered with the gloves Leon had made him. Blood was splattered on the expensive-looking suit he was wearing.

"Tenth?" Hayato ventured, walking towards him, but ten-year-later Tsuna took a step back. If only Reborn was there, Hayato thought. Maybe he could've sparked him into saying something.

Ten-year-later Tsuna looked around the hallway, and smiled softly as present-Tsuna did when they were asking him what he was doing. He looked at them, his amber eyes glazed with tears threatening to pool from of his eyes. "If you wanted to know what I was doing, I was just saying goodbye." He told them softly, making them flinch. Although the voice was soft, it was filled with guilt and wistfulness.

Yamamoto took this time to try to calm ten-year-later Tsuna from whatever he was experiencing from. "Now, now, don't be sad. What happened?"

Ten-year-later Tsuna shook his head. "Nothing you shall be worried about. Yet. Please, live your lives with no regrets." He advised, and then, his five minutes were up.

Tsuna lay on the ground, blood splattered on his once-clean hoodie, and he shuddered, as if he had seen something no fourteen-year-old had seen. He was in Hyper Dying Will Mode, and flames lit in his hands, which were covered with gloves. He looked like the image from ten-year-later Tsuna. "Tenth." Hayato called softly, reaching out. The brunet flinched, but gazed up on the teen with relief.

"H-Hayato.." He started, and broke down sobbing. The Guardians rushed to see what he needed. He was their Sky. He helped them in so many ways, yet if they couldn't help him, they could not be called Guardians. Nor friends.

"What is it, Tsuna?"

"Tsuna-nii! What's wrong?"

"Bossu.. please, don't cry."

"Tenth! I'll deal with anyone who made you cry!"

"Do not cry, Decimo. No one should make you cry but me."


"Little animal. Do not cry. If there is a threat, we shall bite them to death."

Tsuna's hands shook as he wiped back tears. "Minna.." He started, but shook his head. "It is nothing but a mere future we could avoid." He trembled as he looked up at them with difficulty. "Did I say why I am here?"

The Guardians nodded. "Ten-year-later you told us." Hayato said.

"Oh." Tsuna echoed. The brunet gave a sad smile, standing up. "Would you like to say goodbye with me, then?"

The Guardians nodded, wanting their Sky to be happy.

Tsuna, who was still in Hyper Dying Will Mode, had his eyes glazed, no doubt thinking about the future. "I know I could say goodbye on graduation, but I can't help it." Sky Flames once again lit the palm of his hands he held out. "Maybe.. I just wanted another try to do it."

The Guardians did not know what the brunet meant, but they crouched, one knee on the ground, head bowed down. Amber eyes widened. "YouPlease, don't do that.. I shouldn't have to see you do that.."

"Little animal. Arigatou." Hibari said, voicing all their thoughts in one steely voice. "Now, do what you want, or I'll bite you to death."

Tsuna, still shocked, nodded, tears trailing down his face. He turned from them, to face the dark hallway with his flames once again flicking the shadows away. The Guardians did not speak or move as Tsuna said his words."Namimori Middle School. Arigatou, for the times that I was here, terrible or grateful memories, I am lucky to meet most of my friends here. I don't want to be alone, not anymore, and I will never be. This is not a final goodbye, but a 'see you soon' kind of way. Because we won't ever forget the memories here, won't we, minna?"

The Guardians made their noises or words of approval.

The brunet raised his Sky Flames that were dancing on his palms. "I, Sawada Tsunayoshi, hope this school shall make more memories for others like myself, and hope that they stand after they tumble. Hope that the new generation will stand to protect their friends and family, just as I have chose."

The seven figures behind him that had bowed to the Sky willingly stood up, and started walking towards him to gather in a circle around the brunet, who had his eyes shadowed by his bangs, eyes still trailing tears, and took each other's hands in their own, before raising them up high. Maybe, they would never do this again, but they would always do something out of their comfort zone for Tsuna.

"We, the Guardians of the Sky, wish to never depart from the memories we have made here, even if we were to die." They said in unison.


Somewhere, in the distant future, ten-year-later Tsuna smiled from the memory, tears trailing down from his amber eyes. He looked at the graves in front of him, and whispered a few words that were swept from the wind, and started walking to the seven figures waiting, who were either smiling or just, being themselves.

The future seemed so much more brighter.

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