Chapter Fourteen: Take My Hand And Never Be Afraid Again

Start from the beginning

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Frank arrived at the park and saw Mikey's car. He yelled out a frantic "yes!" as he did. It was the only one there, obviously. It was Christmas eve after all. Frank turned on the phone to try and get a location on him. He saw that he had two new messages, one from Mikey, and the other from Gerard. He opened Gerard's first as he waited for the phone to locate Mikey again.

"Hurry up, Frank! Mikey's gonna try to kill himself!!!!!!"

Frank felt his heart stop in it's tracks. He then switched over to reading Mikey's text and just about crapped himself.

"Oh, fuck no!" he yelled. The phone blipped, and Frank saw that the phone blipped, showing that Mikey was on the other side of the park, then it died. "The bridge!"

_ _ _

Mikey was crying now. He had emptied his stomach over the edge, and now he was just crying. He leaned over more. It was a long way down, and there was a chance that he may only break his limbs, but it was cold and no one would be in the park on Christmas, so either way he was as good as dead.

"Goodbye, Gee. Bye, Frankie...," Mikey said, tipping forward and falling over. "Fuck!" he screamed, landing on something...or rather, someone. He felt arms around him and cold water.

"You stupid son of a bitch, why?!" he heard a familiar voice scream at him.

"F-f-f-Frankie?" Mikey stuttered, shivering.

"Yeah, you dumb shit, it's me. Now we can get the fuck out of this freezing ass water so you can tell me what the fuck you were doing just now!"

"I...I...," Mikey shakily started, just to faint in Frank's arms.

"Fuck me," Frank cursed under his breath, hauling Mikey's body back to his car.

_ _ _

"I have him, Gee. Sorry my phone died. Heading to the hospital. I'll call you and explain more when I get there. He's alive"

"Oh, thank god...," Gerard sighed in relief as he read Frank's text message, with Rosalie beside him wiping at his tears for him with a tissue. "He's gonna be okay,"

"That's good, honey," Rosalie said, hugging Gerard's shaking body.

"I was so worried sick...I thought I was gonna lose him!"

"Sometimes the one who is truly the sickest shows it the least,"

"Yeah, that's definitely Mikey. He's sick like me...just in a different way,"

"Oh no dear, I believe you both had the same sickness...except my grandson's cured yours. Mikey still suffers from his,"

"I know. You know something, Ro? When I was first diagnosed with this fucking disease I have, I've tried to kill myself...numerous times," Gerard said as he felt the sting of tears come back to his eyes, looking down somberly at his twistedly contracted and immobile body.

"Yes, Frank was telling me that it was Mikey that kept you here, that he did everything to show you how much he loved you and needed you,"

"I know. I'm glad I survived. I'm glad he saved me...and I'm happy Frank saved him,"

"Did he really?"

"Of course Mikey did. He stopped me from killing myself so many times that I feel terrible looking back at it all,"

"How long did it take Mikey to convince you to stop? How many times did you try?"

"I've done many times I've lost track. It had to be a long time before I became too weak to even attempt to kill myself,"

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