Chapter 7

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(Hannah's P.O.V)

*Beep, Beep* the sound of my alarm woke me up. That's when I remembered it was the last day of school. I hurried out of bed and out on my Lacey blue tank top with jean shorts. Grabbing my red sunglasses and my black beanie I hurrying to the car onto school. Getting out of the car I grabbed my galaxy backpack."Hey Hannah," Katie greeted me as I entered school. We entered together as Chandler and Sam greeted us and walked us onto the lockers. "Can't wait till school is out," Chandler continued, "so I can spend time with you."

The day continued and summer begun.

*ring, ring* I grabbed my phone. It was Chandler.

(Chandler's P.O.V)

Hannah: hello

Chandler: hey, I was wondering if you were busy tonight

Hannah: no, nothing why?

Chandler: want to meet me at Cheesecake Factory

Hannah: on a date?!

Chandler: well, that's what I was thinking, if that is okay

Hannah: that's great meet you there!

(Hannah's P.O.V)

Looking around room I had to find the perfect outfit. My first date! what would I tell my dad? "I found it!" I put on my cowgirl boots with my high-low blue with a gold belt and our moment perfume. I ran down stairs where my dad was standing. "Where are you going?" My father asked me. "To study at the.....library." I came up with quickly. He looked puzzled probably because of my outfit. "In those clothes,"I guessed."ok," my dad said. My mom grabbed the keys and she drove me to the library. then I struck me "how was I going to get to the restaurant without my mom knowing?" I was going to have to tell her hopefully she wouldn't tell my dad. "hey mom, you know chandler," I begun "we'll... can you drive me to Cheesecake Factory?" I decided to cover it up. Her face changed and she looked confused. "why?" she wondered. I had to think of something fast. "the principal is coming and she wants to meat at the restaurant." I stated. she shook her head. yes, I am going on the date and I didn't have to tell her. She dropped me off and I said bye. Thankfully, Chandler walked out of the restaurant after my mom drove away. "hey chandler!" I said as my heart leaped when I saw him in his suit. he looked SOOO handsome. I was dying inside this was a going to be a great night. We walked inside and was waited by servers. I ordered some pasta the same as him and we talked. I love getting to know him, he is so sweet and romantic. Dessert came and we shared the cheesecake (romantic right, I know) As the night continued we toke a stroll outside in front of the restaurant. "I had a great night with to bad it has to end without a memory." he smiled cutely. I knew what he meant and leaned forward a have him a kiss on his cheek. "Now we have something to remember." I said as I blushed. out of the blue In the corner of my eye I spotted Katie. sitting outside with Sam! "Chan, is that Sam and Katie?!" He looked forward and his eyes widened. "it is!! I knew he was acting weird." he exclaimed I grabbed my phone a dialed Katie's number. Katie looked down at her phone a and cancelled my call. " Let me try Sam." Chandler said. Sam looked down and shook his head and cancelled it too. "Sorry to ruin our date but... Are they and item?!" I asked Chandler. "It's now ruined, and I don't know but we will find out now back to US." he said so sweet-fully. I love he and the way he words things to make they sound so gentle. I love his wild side and he's not afraid to get a little dirty. I gave him another kiss and I said goodnight and walked to meet my mom so she wouldn't see chandler. As I walked her car pulled up and I looked over to see Sam giving Katie a big kiss. "okay they are dating" I thought. "how was it?" my mom asked me. I turned my head around forgetting she was there. "oh...great." I said.

The night was magical and I went to bed with sweet dreams.


Heyy loves,

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I will post Hannah's outfits on IG @dont_look_back_1d

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