Eunjoo nods shyly while smiling sheepishly. "Yes,"

"Heol!" Eunseo gasped.

"How could you even go out with that oppa? He's so so so...him." she couldn't find the right word to describe her sister's boyfriend.

"What about him?" Eunjoo rolled her eyes.

"Eh, what do you even like about him? He's so stingy he won't even lend a single cent to anyone."

Suddenly, Eunjoo brought out a ring attached to the necklace she was wearing. "He bought me this ring."

Eunseo went closer to examine the ring and gasped even more dramatic than she can ever be. Even Yuta, Doyoung and also Johnny gasped along with her.

"Heol! That stingy oppa actually bought someone something? And something this expensive!" Eunseo had her jaw hanging.

"I know," Eunjoo smiled to herself.

"Now, I have to let you go, Eunjoo noona. I was even planning on dropping the noona." Yuta said dramatically. The others ignored him.

"He must really love you, huh?"

The elder only giggled embarrassedly while hitting Eunseo's shoulder. The younger yelped in pain.

"Oh, I remembered something, Seo." Eunjoo said.


"I wanted to show you Wonwoo-"

"His what?" Eunseo interrupted.

"His essay recently. He really-"

"Writes really well and very prettily. I know,"

"How did you?"

"He's my...friend, of course, I know."

"Right, I was planning on helping him entering this competition and maybe he can portray his writing and gain experience."

"That'd be great, how about everyone else? How are they doing?"

"Those kids? They're lucky I'm not their homeroom teacher or I'd teach them all a lesson,"

"Have they been pranking you?"

"Nah, they actually got more nice."

"Who ranks first now?"

"Glad you mentioned that. It's Wonwoo. Surprisingly, he got really hardworking and earned first place. Usually, he's just doing everything halfheartedly."

"He does?"

"Not only them. The rest of them also advanced a lot. They got nice grades and finally started learning and studying seriously. Especially after you left."

"That's a good thing then,"

"Then why do you look so puzzled?"

"Because I'm happy and when I'm happy, I'm hungry." Eunseo grabbed her phone which just beeped and read the latest message received. A soft curse slipped her mouth.

She immediately ran upstairs which the others in the room didn't bother to look except for one. In an instant, Eunseo came running down the stairs and ended up slipping on the floor.

Her audience in the dining room were entertained by her slapstick. She quickly stood up and the doorbell rang at the same time.

Eunseo sighed and opened the door then slammed it close.

"You're late for 30 seconds,"

"You gave me three minutes,"

"And you're still late,"

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