Chapter 5

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Soon the assembly ended and Dillion found us and led us where the seniors were meeting to get there schedules. Luckily, everyone was either too busy trying to get to where they need to go that they didn't notice us or they just didn't care about Nichole and I, so we didn't get mobbed again. It was most likely the former.

As we were waiting in line with the other seniors, a red headed girl I didn't recognize approached us excitedly. "Oh my gosh! Shyanne it's so good to see you. We definitely need to catch up sometime." She spoke with a bright hopeful smile.

I flashed her my signature smile that could win over anyone and replied vaguely, "Oh course. I'll be here all school year so it will give us plenty of time."

"I can't wait," she squealed in excitement.

"I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you, Rachel." A cold voice spoke from behind and I wasn't too surprised to see my former best friend Marci Williams. "The only thing Shyanne is good for is empty promises. Isn't that right Shy?"

"Marci, it's been awhile. How have you been?" I questioned with as much politeness I could gather.

"Like you actually care about anyone other than yourself," she scoffed.

Remember Shy you have an image to uphold and I don't think the label would appreciate it if I was rude on my first day of being unsupervised. I reminded to myself before I said anything that might come back to bite me in the ass.

With another dazzling smile I replied, "I care about a lot of people, Marci. There are so many people that are really important to me. Like my family and my fans."

Scoffing again she spoke, "As if you truly cared about your family. You haven't been back to see any of them since you moved to L.A."

My smile faltered at that and I couldn't say anything back. How could I when I knew she was right?

Seeing that I couldn't think of a response, she coldly spoke, "You only care about yourself and it's only a matter of time until the world finds out that you're a fake. That this whole innocent good girl act is nothing but a lie."

"Marci, please you don't understand. It's not like that at all."

"Understand what? That you've been living the perfect life and that you think you're better than every single person around you. News flash, Shyanne you are nothing more than a spoiled brat who has had everything handed to her. Not once have you ever had to struggle for anything."

"That's enough. Jealousy is an ugly look." Nichole angrily shouted as she stepped in front of me. "Stop pretending that you know Shyanne because you obviously don't. You may have been her best friend before but from what I've heard you've never truly understood her. Shyanne is the most genuine person I have ever met and does not deserve any of the lies you are spewing."

"Oh please, don't tell me she has you brain washed too," Marci scoffed. "I've known her much longer than you so I do know what I'm talking about."

Turning towards me Nicki asks, "Is this really the best friend you wouldn't shut up about? Because if so you are so lucky you met me. Let's go Shy."

When Nichole dragged me far enough away from on looking eyes, she pulled me into a bone tight hug. "Are you okay?" Her voice was tinged with worry.

Pulling away from her I responded, "No but I will be. Thank you for sticking up for me. I wouldn't have been able to do this without you."

"Of course, girl! What are friends for? Plus, me pulling you away from her was more for my benefit than yours. I don't know how kindly our new school would have taken to me getting into a fight." She said with a bright smile before we both broke out into a fit of laughter.

After our laughing fit was under control, we went to find our first class to start our perfectly normal day of school. Well as normal as a person can expect for two celebrities.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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