Chapter 2

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Today is the big day. My first day of senior year. I haven't attended a public school since I transferred to online halfway through freshmen year.

I can't believe I'm actually back in my old room. I thought as stared at the room that belonged to the girl I once was, but now forgotten. It feels like it has been ages since I was last here. When really it has only been two years. I haven't been back since I moved to California to live with my dad and older sister. I knew I should've of at least visited my mom and her husband, but most importantly I should've visited my twin, Dillon.

Dillon and I use to be so close when we were younger, but that all changed when I moved to California. I was too busy that I hardly had time to breathe, let alone stay in contact on a daily basis with everyone. I wish I could've done things differently. I sacrificed a lot to get where I am today. I lost my friends, my first love , and my privacy.  Everyday I ask myself if it was all worth it, but I can never come up with an answer.  I know that if I could go back in time I would've done things differently, but unfortunately we all have to live with the decisions we make.

I shook those thoughts out of my head and continued to get ready. When I was done I went to the guest bedroom where my best friend Nicole was staying in. She wasn't happy when I told her I was coming back to my hometown for the school year but then she decided she needed a break and came with. I'm glad she came with me. I wouldn't know how to face my old friends alone.

"Nicole are you almost ready," I called while knocking on the door.

"Just one second," I heard her muffled voice reply.

"I'll meet you down stairs," with out waiting for a reply I headed to the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen I noticed my mom and brother sitting around the table eating breakfast.

"Good morning honey! Would you like me to make you something to eat?" My mom beamed once she saw me.

I smiled at her while shaking my head, "No thank you, I think I'll just have an apple."

"Too nervous to eat sis?" Dillon teased. Dillon and I looked so much alike it was like seeing myself if I were I guy. We both had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. We have a very similar facial structure except his is a little sharper than mine.

"Nervous doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling."

"I'm sure everything is going to be fine. Plus I'll be there if you need me," he smiled.

"Thanks Dilly."

He groaned at the mention of the nickname I gave him when we were younger. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that."

I pouted when he said that. I used to call him that all time when we were younger but as we got older he started disliking the name. "But Dilllyy."

"Nope. If you call me that one more time I will leave you to fend for yourself."

"You're no fun," I childishly huffed.

He just rolled his eyes at me as he finished eating his breakfast. "I don't mean to be a party pooper but isn't it about time you guys headed to school," my mom said causing me to stop glaring at my brother and look towards her amused face.

My brother cursed when he glanced at the time on his phone.


"Sorry mom." He replied sheepishly before looking at me. "Sorry Sis but I promised Ryan I'd meet him before class started. I'm sure you and Nicole will be okay on your own."

"Yeah if she ever gets her butt down here." I mumbled.

"Well you know how models always have to make sure they look flawless before they go anywhere. " He joked but before I could laugh, a teasing voice spoke from behind.

"Awe Dillon I know I'm amazing and all but don't you think calling me flawlessly beautiful is a little much. I mean come on as Hannah Montana would say 'Nobody's perfect." Nicole gushed as she walked into the room.

"I didn't say you were flawlessly beautiful. "

Nichole just waved him off while saying, "details, details. "

"Whatever, well I better get going." Dillon said as he gave mom a hug bye then turning to us, " I'll see you two at school," and with out waiting for us to respond he walked out the door that goes to the garage.

"Good morning Nicole, would you like some breakfast?" My mom greeted her after a few seconds.

"Maybe another day when we have more time but thank you Mrs. M. "

My mom replied to her before excusing herself to get ready to work. Not long after her we left for our first day of school.


"Nicky I don't know if I could do this. " I said as I looked at all the people waiting to see if Shy was actually coming to public school. There were too many people out there waiting to meet Shy the pop star but the problem was that I didn't know who that was anymore. Worst of all I knew that today was the day I would have to face my past.

Nicky sighed as she looked over at me. "I know you're scared ShyShy but you can't forget that you are one of the most strongest and kindest people I know and if you set your mind on something nothing will stand in your way. So get your pretty little ass out of this car and put that million dollar smile on. "

I smiled at my best friends words. She always knew how to make me feel better. "Thanks Nicki. I don't know what I'd do with out you. "

"I know I am fantastic aren't I." She said way too dramatically which in return causes me to laugh. "Ready babe. "

I nodded at her not being able to find my voice as my nerves returned. As I stepped out of the car I could hear the screams of excitement from my fans and the sound of photos being clicked.

Nicki came around to stand next to me and looped her arm around mine causing more excitement from the crowd. I couldn't believe how many people were here. Of course I was used to the crowds but it felt different considering this is the place I grew up. It didn't feel right having all these people here for me.

A little girl snapped me out of my thoughts when she came up and asked for my autograph. A real genuine smile replaced the commercial smile I wore. My fans meant everything to me. They were the reason I was where I am today and if I could repay them by doing something so small for them, yet meant the world to them, like signing autographs, I wouldn't hesitate to do it. Unfortunately though I don't have all the time in the world to sign and talk to as many people as I'd like.

I looked over at Nicki, whose arm I had to let go of to sign autographs, and saw that she was being bombarded by fans too. Which made sense considering how popular she was in the modeling industry.

As I continued signing as many autographs as I could, I felt a gaze that held the heat of a thousand suns. I didn't have to look up to know who it was but I did anyway. No matter how many times I told myself that I would end up seeing him, nothing could ever have prepared me for the moment our eyes locked.

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