Chapter 4

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"Ethan", his name came as a small whisper from my lips. He looks exactly as I remembered him to be. His messy brown hair that I use to love running my hands through and his hypnotizing brown eyes that use to look at me with so much love and admiration. And for a moment I thought I saw that look pass through his eyes but just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone.

"Shy are you alright," breaking eye contact with Ethan I turned back to see my best friend looking at me with worry filled eyes.

"Yeah just a little overwhelmed," I whispered so people around us couldn't hear.

She gave me an encouraging smile before we made our way to the school once we heard the bell ring. However, it didn't look like the crowd was going anywhere and trying to get through the crowd without bodyguards was like mission impossible. I guess I had to ask them to make a path for.  "I'm sorry everyone but Nicole and I really need to go get our schedules and navigate our way through the school. We'll be in town for months so don't worry if you didn't get an autograph or a picture right now. So can you all please make a path for us to get through," I practically shouted to get everyone's attention.

When everyone was finally out of the way, Nicki and I made our way to the school doors. But before we went inside I glanced back to see if Ethan was still there, and much to my disappointment he wasn't.

"What happened back there, Shy?" Nichole questioned while looking at me with her piercing brown eyes.

"What do you mean?" I refused to talk about the staring match that occurred between him and I.

"Come on, I know when something's up with you. So tell me was that guy you were staring at

"What guy?" I refused to acknowledge what happened back there because the way he looked at me felt just like old times. But things were different now. Nothing and I mean nothing can happen between us while I'm here. I'll just end up hurting him for a second time.

"Ohh you know the guy you were drooling over." She replied nonchalantly as she was trying to hold back a smirk.

"I was not drooling over him! I was simply admiring the way an old friend of mine has- oh shut up," I huffed when I noticed she was silently snickering at me.

"Somebody still has it bad for her first love," she sung.

"Come on Nicki, you know it's not like that. We were - are too young to know what true love is.

"Will you shut up already, you and I both know that nothing is going to happen between us while I'm here."

She just groaned at what and who was stopping me from even considering rekindling a relationship with him. However, she didn't know that it was mostly myself stopping something from happening between us. Over the years I was forced to change and not for the better. I learned to keep people at arms length because you never know who your real friends are. I've changed so much in a short amount of time that I didn't really know who I was anymore. I'm not the same girl he remembers and after everything I put him through there is no way he would want to be with me. I shook those thoughts out of my head and looked at our surroundings.

As we were talking we weren't really paying attention to where we were going so some how we ended up in the cafeteria.

"Shit I think we missed the office," Nichole said before we burst out laughing at our terrible ability of finding our way through places.

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