Chapter Thirty Five

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Stephanie P.O.V

My family's business was ruined because of that bitch, Lalisa Manoban. Is it not enough for her to steal Jungkook from me that now she wants to make my family become poor.

It's okay, Lalisa. I will make you regret for living in this world. Or I will make you disappear from these world.

Jungkook P.O.V

I miss Lisa so much. I want her to stay by my side right now. I really need her. I want to meet hher I want to kiss her. I want to hug her. I want to spend my time with her.

My life was miserable without her. I am regret that I cheated on her. I want to meet her. But, she always beside my hyungs everytime I try go to meet her. They have warned me not to go near Lisa.

My parents also get mad at me. Not only my hyungs. My parents mad at me because I cheated on Lisa. They are very furious when they know that I have a relationship with Stephanie.

My father fired me from my position at the company. He said that I'm not eligible to become his successor because I betray Lisa. I broke my parents' trust to me.

I don't care about the position at all because I still have my share in the company. The thing that I care most is Lisa. She's the one that I want right now.

I called Jin hyung several times. But, he rejected my call. I called all of my hyungs, but they rejected too.

What should I do to make it up for them? I can't stand to live my life like this anymore.

I should go meet Hoseok hyung at his office. He is the one that can help me right now.

Hoseok P.O.V

I was at my office right now. I was so busy these couple days. There is a mega project that I need to handle right now. My father trusted me to handle this.

I called Lisa to cancel my plan with her. We were supposed to have lunch date today with our crew. I promised to her that I'm gonna pick her up. I guess I can't join them because I was too busy right now.

H : Babe.

L : Oppa. Are you gonna pick me up?

H : Sorry honey. I couldn't. I can't join you guys today.

L : It's okay, oppa. I know you're busy right now. I will tell them about this.

H : Okay, Lisa. Take care.

L : You too, oppa. Please don't skip your lunch.

H : Okay babe. I won't. Bye.

L : Bye.

I hung up the call and continue doing my work. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. I see my secretary came inside my room.

"Mr, I'm so sorry for interrupting you right now. There is a person want to meet you", my secretary, Joon Gi said with an apologetic voice.

"It's okay, Joon Gi. Let him in", I said.

After a few moment, I heard a footsteps in my room. I look up from my desk to see who is meeting me. I was surprised to see Jungkook. Before I could say anything, Jungkook talk first.

"Hyung...Please don't chase me out. I want to say sorry. I was sorry for all my wrongdoing. I was regret that I cheated on Lisa. Please hyung...", he said.

"Jeon Jungkook. Please get out from my room. I don't want to see your face anymore", I said to him. I hold my anger inside me.

How dare he come to my office after what he did to Lisa. I could still remember those days when Lisa having a depression because of him.

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