Chapter Thirty Three

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Jungkook P.O.V

I arrived at airport 30 minutes later. I parked my car at the parking lot and I headed to Starbucks hurriedly.

I see Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung sit at one of the table there. I go to them and greet them.

"Hey hyungs", I greet them.

I could see that Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung are not in the good mood. I was wonder what is happening right now. I hope it wasn't about me and Stephanie.

"Oh hey, Jeon Jungkook", Namjoon hyung said to me. He smile at me. But, he gave me a fake smile while Yoongi hyung just give me a death glare.

I could feel cold sweat running flow right now. I am nervous right now.

"Hyungs. What's wrong?? You never called my full name?", I asked them confuse.

"Nothing's wrong. It just we got a news from Liam. He said that his friend's sister's boyfriend was cheating behind her. That scumbag has a relationship with his ex-girlfriend which was also his cousin", Yoongi hyung said.

Why do I feel like this is like my situation right now? Did they already know me and Stephanie?

"Poor her. She should dump her boyfriend", I said.

"Yeah. She probably should", Namjoon hyung said to me and smirking.

Why do I feel like he is mocking me right now?,

"By the way hyung, why did you guys want to meet me?", I asked them because I want to change the topic.

"We almost forgot. Don't you want to go to London?", Namjoon hyung asked. I look at both of them. Namjoon hyung just give me a chill looks while Yoongi hyung look at his phone and smirking.

"No. I am busy right now. Dad give me so much works to handle", I give excuses to them.

Then, Yoongi hyung look at me. His eyes show anger. I don't know why I feel scared with him right now. Probably because I think he can sense that I cheated on Lisa.

"Are you serious Jungkook??? Jin hyung and Jimin already there while me and Yoongi hyung will going to London today. Hoseok and Tae said that they are going too tomorrow. How come only you in our crew that doesn't want to go to London? You are her fiancee. Don't you miss her?", Namjoon hyung said. His voice going louder. I know he was angry right now. But, I can't leave Stephanie right now. We were just get back and I want to spend my time with her before Lisa come back to South Korea.

"I miss her so much, hyung. But, I can't leave my works here. Who is going to do it if I'm not around?", I said to them.

As I finish my words, suddenly Yoongi hyung get up from his seat and give me a punch.

"How dare you give those excuses you scumbag!!!!!!! I'm gonna kill you, dickhead!!!!!!", Yoongi hyung yelled at mme

People around us in the Starbucks look at us strangely. They were probably surprised that Yoongi hyung punch me.

"Hyung..... We need to get out from here. People are staring at us", Namjoon hyung hold Yoongi hyung from punch me again.

"Thanks hyung", I thanked to Namjoon hyung.

Then, I feel someone give me another punch. And that someone was Namjoon hyung. I was so surprised right now because Namjoon hyung never used strength when he was mad at something.

"Thank for what, you asshole!!!! Just now, I was holding my anger at you because I don't want to make any scene. But, since you thanked me because I hold Yoongi hyung, I'm gonna kick your ass", Namjoon hyung yelled at me.

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