Chapter 6

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He just stood there. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I messed up Jimi." Jimi was confused. "Messed up what?" "Jimi, I messed up our relationship." Jimi caught on. "If you think I'm gonna get back together with you, you're wrong." "I know. I just want to say I'm sorry." She said trying to make him change his mind. "Ok, well you can leave now." She put her head down. Jimi felt bad. He hugged her. "Did you drive here just to tell me that?" "Yes, because I want you to know that I'm sorry and what I did was wrong." Jimi thought for a minute. "Do you want to go get some lunch?" She shook her head yes and they got in the truck. They talked on the ride there. "So what happened between you and James?" She started to cry. "Well. He cheated on me." "At least you see how I felt." Jimi said. "I know and that's why I came to say sorry because I was hurt." "You don't think I was hurt?" Jimi asked. "I know you were." "Katie, it took me a month to get over you. I missed you everyday." "I missed you too Jimi. James just wasn't right for me anyway." They looked at each other. They finally got there. They sat at a table and the waitress came. They ordered and their food was out in no time. They finally finished eating after a couple of long conversations. They got back in the truck and headed to Jimi's house. They got there and walked into the house. "Do you want to stay for a little while?" Jimi asked. "I'd love that." She said. They sat on the couch. Jimi turned on the tv and they found the movie "grown ups" and started watching it. Before they knew it ended and it was five o clock. Katie finally spoke up. "Well I guess I better go." She said not really wanting to leave. "I guess so. I'll walk you out." He followed her to the door. She turned around and they became fairly close. "I don't want to say goodbye Jimi." Jimi looked down at her. "I don't want you to say goodbye either, but we have a show tomorrow." Katie thought for a minute. "Here's my number. Call me if you want to hang out." She handed him the small piece of paper with seven digits on it. Jimi took it and just looked at her. "I love you Jimi." She said and started to cry. He didn't know what to do so he just hugged her. She finally quit crying and left. Jimi looked back on all that happened today. He put her number in the drawer on the bedside table in his room beside his bed. He went back into the living room and watched tv for the rest of the night.

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