Chapter 12

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Karen stood there not knowing how to respond. She knew deep down that she really liked him.

"Well, I guess that answers it." Jimi was hurt. Everything was out in the open now and he wished he could change it. He turned around and headed for the door. He thought he would be stopped, but he was dead wrong.

Karen stood there, confused and motionless. She should've said something, but instead, she let him walk out the door. She didn't want to go back out to the lobby. She needed time to think.

Kimberly walked in. She heard everything. She walked to the over turned couch and flipped it right side up. "Come here." She patted the cushion beside her.

Karen walked to the couch and sat down, not even looking at her best friend.

Kimberly waited for Karen to say something first in case she said the wrong thing.

"How much did you hear?"

"How much did you want me to hear?"

Karen was embarrassed. "How could I have let him walk out?"

"I don't know because that speech made me cry."

Karen gave her the look.

"Too soon? Sorry." Kimberly apologized.

"I just don't want to mess what we have, up. It could ruin our career."

"Or it could make it better."

"But what if we break up? I wouldn't be able to look at him, I wouldn't even be able to tour with him."

"But what if you two get married, have children, and live together forever? It's not all about negatives." Kimberly was always positive and loved the fairytale story.

Karen had no response.

"Sleep on it and then decide." Kimberly stood up, looked at Karen, and walked to the lobby.

Once again, Karen sat contemplating. She sat there for what felt like an eternity. She no longer heard people yelling. They must've left. She walked to the lobby. Phillip was on the couch with the same girl that wouldn't let go of him earlier, Kimberly was talking to Keith and his friends, and Jimi was sitting on the couch with a drink in his hand. She wasn't ready to face him just yet. She walked to the bar and sat down. She could feel Jimi's eyes on her. She got a water. She wasn't about to get up with Jimi staring at her, so she sat there quietly.

Thirty minutes passed and Kimberly was done talking. She sat beside Karen, who hadn't said a word since she got to the lobby. Kimberly pulled Karen close and held her tight.

Karen tried to keep it together, but Kimberly's embrace took her over the edge.

Kimberly held her tighter, trying to hide her from everyone. She could feel Jimi and Phillip watching them, but she didn't say anything. She whispered to Karen, "Let's go to the hotel."

Band mates by day, Friends by night (Little Big Town Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα