Chapter 9

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The show ended and everybody was backstage. "Damn y'all were on fire." Keith said. The band just chuckled. "Jimi, Karen, that was amazing." "Thanks Keith." Jimi said. "Let's go celebrate!" Keith said and we all followed him. We went to a local bar. We all ordered drinks and sat at the bar watching people dance. "Keith, come dance with me!" Kimberly said. They went to the dance floor. Everybody had a few drinks in them. Phillip went to find some girl to dance with. Jimi and Karen were left at the bar. "Might as well enjoy it while we still can." Jimi said and held out his hand. Karen hesitated, but took the offer. They walked to the dance floor. Jimi tried getting Karen out of her comfort zone. It didn't work at first, but she eventually started dancing. A slow song came on. They walked closer to each other. Karen once again, hesitated. "Come on, it's just a dance." She took his hand and put her other hand on his shoulder. She looked around her and all she could see was beautiful couples everywhere. Just like her and Andrew used to be. She saw Kimberly and Keith enjoying themselves. Even Phillip was enjoying himself with the girl he met. "Don't be afraid to let loose every once in a while." He said in her ear.

Band mates by day, Friends by night (Little Big Town Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now