Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

They were finally seated at a booth. They knew what they wanted, so they went ahead and ordered. The waitress came back with the drinks. They carried on a normal conversation while they waited for their food. While they were eating Phillip started talking. "So are y'all gonna perform the song tomorrow?" Jimi knew exactly what song Phillip was talking about. Jimi looked at Karen who was across the table along with Kimberly. Karen said "we can try it." They ate their food and paid. They all got back in Phillips truck. "Is there anything else y'all want to do?" Phillip asked looking in the rear view mirror at the two women in the back. Karen looked at Kimberly. "Not that I know of." Karen said. They headed back to Jimi's to drop Jimi and Karen off. Karen still needed her car, so her and Jimi went to go get it. It was about a twenty minute drive. This car ride it was just small talk. Jimi learned more about Karen that he didn't know about her. They finally got there. They walked in and Dave looked confused. "What are y'all doing here?" Karen spoke up. "I forgot my keys here last night and you were already gone." Karen grabbed her keys and told Dave goodbye. Jimi did the same. They went back to The amphitheater they played at the night before. Karen looked at Jimi. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Jimi couldn't take his eyes off of her. "Yeah I guess so." He said. Karen finally hopped out of the truck and into her car. He went back to his house. He sat on the couch and turned on the tv. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Jimi thought "who would be here this late in the afternoon?" He opened the door and couldn't believe who was at his door step.

Band mates by day, Friends by night (Little Big Town Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now