"Why do you call Mr. Trager Bubba?" A different lawyer asked. Tig and Gemma didn't know why there was so many lawyers. All Tig wanted to do is adopt the little girl. She was in his custody already and it shouldn't be a big deal. 

"He always gave me Hubble Bubba gum and he always used to smell like it. I had a dad so it didn't feel right to call him that so I came up with Bubba and it stuck." Val looked at Bubba and smiled that famous Teller smile. 

"Do you know who your mother is?" The guy lawyer asked. Valentine frowned her eyebrows at the question. 

"No and I don't want to know her." 

"Why not?" The same guy asked. 

"Because she doesn't want me. I have family here and I don't want to get taken away." 

"You're not going to get taken away bug. I promise." Bubba reassured her. The lawyers demised them and continued to talk in the chapel. Valentine was sitting on Bubba's lap and Bubba was playing with her hair. 

"Mr. Trager all we need is your signature and it'll be final." Tig placed Val down and walked into the chapel. Two minutes passed and when he came out, his smile was the biggest that anyone has seen. 

"Bug, your never gonna get taken away! Come here!" Val ran up to Tig and he picked her up spinning her around. Both of them laughing and the club members and hang arounds clapping. 

"Does that mean I'm your daughter now?" Val questioned when Tig finally put her down. 

"You were my daughter the day you moved in with me." 


Valentine opened the chapel door to find a man on the table with his pants down and Juice with his finger in his ass. Val took one glance at the blood and ran straight to the bathroom. 

"What the fuck happened?" Happy questioned looking around at his brothers. He noticed that Gemma left Clay to join Val in the bathroom. 

"We were meeting McKeavey at an Irish pub but someone killed him so his cousin Cameron Hayes," Tig pointed at the man at the table, " he came instead. We gave him the money, he goes and counts it. Comes back, Mayans come in and try to kill Clay. Got Cameron instead." 

"Where did you get the ambulance?" Valentine question when she came back into the room. She grabbed a water and sat down on the worn out couch, far away from the chapel. Driving into the parking lot of TM, Happy and Val saw the ambulance in the garage. 

"I stole it." Halfsack spoke up. 

"I don't even want to know." Valentine started playing with her hands in her lap as everyone started talking. 

"We're going to need a real doctor. This goes passed my skills." Chibs said coming out of the chapel. Valentine didn't even notice that he was in there. 

"I'll call Jax and ask him if he can get Tara to come." Gemma leaves and calls Jax. 

Hours passed and still no Jax or Tara. Juice still had his hand up Cameron's ass and Chibs was feeding both of them drugs and alcohol. Valentine was passed out on Happy, both of them sitting on the couch. Bobby was talking to Happy about father hood and shit like that. Clay was handling some business at the police station with Unser and Alvarez. Lastly, Tig was in charge of Gemma. 

"Gemma? Gemma, where are you going?" Tig asked. Gemma was almost at the clubhouse door to leave. Tig ran up and blocked the door. 

"To find Jax and Tara." Gemma stated like it was no big deal. 

"No, no, no." Tig repeated back. Gemma tried to pass him but he put his hand up. Gemma was strong but not that strong. "You heard what- you heard what Clay said. Family stays put. Look at Val, she's staying put." 

Gemma glanced at Val who had her head on Happy's leg and her body stretched out on the couch. "You git two choices, Tigger, tackle me or tag along." Gemma watched as Tig's shoulders fell. Happy and Bobby are laughing at the two of them. Happy trying to be quiet so he doesn't wake Valentine up. 

"Now look, I got nothing but adoration for you. But why you gotta give me such a hard time for?" Tig questioned. He heard yelling and then looked at Val. How she could sleep threw all the noise was beyond him. 

"It's my nature. I'm a giver." Gemma walked past Tig and out the door. 

Rolling his eyes he followed, "This is why I beat hookers." 

Another hour passed and Val was still asleep but now Happy and Bobby were too. Halfsack was cleaning and Chibs was drinking. Juice was keeping Cameron alive with his finger shoved up his ass. Tig, Gemma, Jax, Clay and Tara are know where to be seen. Piney is off on a bender and Opie, he just showed up. 

"Who died?" Opie questioned. He sat down next to Chibs and poured himself a drink. Opie is still adjusting to home life and hasn't been around. He looked around and spotted Happy and Val sleeping on each other. Valentine was facing the couch pillows and Happy was holding her. He was almost off the couch but it looked comfortable. Bobby was asleep on the other couch with his mouth wide open. 

"It's who almost died. Mayan's went after Clay. Mckeavey is dead and his cousin Cameron is on the chapel table bleeding out. Juice has his finger up his ass and the only people sober is the pregnant one, the people who aren't here and the god damn prospect." Chibs did another shot and then did another one. 

"Val's pregnant?" 

"Twins too." Chibs answered at the same time that Juice yelled that Cameron is up and Chibs went in with a bottle of pills and Jack Daniels. 

Opie grabbed another bottle of liquor and drank it. He starred at the mirror so he could see what is going on in the chapel. He was just glad that it wasn't one of his brothers on that table and that it was a guy that no one knew or cared about.  

The clubhouse door opened and Jax and Tara walked in followed by Gemma and Tig. Tara walked straight into the chapel with Gemma following. 

"She's still asleep?" Tig asked. Opie knew who he was talking about. The only she here was Valentine, unless Happy or Bobby have something they need to tell the club. 

"Yeah, she is. I just got here and the three of them haven't even moved yet. Where were you man?" Opie questioned Jax. 

"It's been a shit couple of days bro." Jax answered. 

"Yeah it has." Opie looked over to see that Val and Happy just woke up. He sighed and downed another shot of vodka. 


First off, thank you so so so so much for 25K reads! Means the world to me. Also I did something a little different this chapter with a flashback. Comment and tell me what you think about that and if you like it I'll definitely add more flashbacks in. I'm hoping to be done with this book by September, weather that happens or not we'll see. Also check out my Sons Of Anarchy Preferences and Imagine Book (it gets better in later chapters I promise). Thanks again for 25K reads. 

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