Chapter One

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I checked my reflection in the mirror. I smoothed down the skirt of my bright blue dress. It had a bright, metallic blue bodice, and a soft, puffy baby blue skirt. On my feet, I was wearing short white leather boots and lacy socks. It was my first reaping outfit ever. I asked my mom to do my hair and she braided a thick strand if my hair and pinned it across my head, like a crown. The rest of my hair was left open and in curls. My mom smiled as she pinned a final blue flower into my braid. "There!" she remarked, "You look darling!" I smiled. Of course I wouldn't be chosen. I was only twelve. And my mother said I looked darling. I bid goodbye to my parents, who were going to come separately and skipped out the door and to the end of the street, where Shayne was already waiting for me. He was wearing a collared white shirt, with a blue tie, and black pants. Shayne's face was red; he had obviously been crying. "Shayne," I whispered, "Are you all right?"

"I'm okay," he said with a sad smile, though I noticed that his hand was also red. I was sure this had to do with the incident that happened this morning but I didn't ask anymore. "Who are we waiting for?" Shayne asked.

"Belle and Liz," I replied. Belle was the mayor's daughter. She was sweet and a little spoiled. But she was really nice and was one of my friends from school. Liz was beautiful, with raven black hair, and large, green eyes. She was very serious and rarely ever smiled. She was the daughter of the Head Peacekeeper, so that accounted for her solemn expression. It didn't seem like an easy thing, having him as your father. Suddenly, Belle ran to us, her blond curls bouncing up and down and her black flats slapping the sidewalk. Her little pink dress fluttered as she ran. "Hi, Zeze! I've missed you so much!" she said, hugging me tight.

"Hi, Belle!" I smiled. A few moments later, Liz approached us. Her black hair was open as usual, but it was pushed back by a white headband today. She wore a long white dress and a string of pearls around her neck. "Hi guys," she said, "Zeze, we've missed you."

"Thanks!" I said, "I've missed you guys, too. Liz, did your father tell you about last night?"

"Yes," she nodded sorrowfully.

"Ooh! What happened? Tell me! Tell me!" Belle gasped. I started explaining the horrible event last night and Shayne would sometimes jump in, saying parts that I forgot. Liz just quietly looked at us. Belle, on the other hand, was both horrified and fascinated. "That's not right!" she cried, "I'm going to tell my dad! He'll tell them to stop!" She stomped her foot in childish rage. "I wonder if Tiff is okay," I said.

"Oh! Poor poor Tiff!" cried Belle.

"I'm sure she'll be okay," Shayne said.

"I don't know," Liz shook her head. Of course, she was as pessimistic as ever.

"Liz!" I said, "Why ever not?"

"Because this means trouble for the Taze, of course. Father and the rest of the Peacekeepers searched all of the Taze last night. The kids hiding here weren't the only ones."

"Oh Liz! Not Tiff!" I cried.

"I don't know," she responded, "If Father found out I was friends with a Taze kid he would be enraged."

"Of course," I shook my head sadly, "I'm sure she's alright," I reassured a frightened Belle, "she isn't a criminal."

We walked toward the center, where the reaping was done every year. I saw Tiff walking with a few other kids in the Taze. She was wearing the same dress she wore to every other important occasion, a simple green cotton dress. Her red hair was braided into two pigtails. I quickly waved at her and she smiled and waved back. I wonder if she knew about Blaze yet. Tiff and her seventeen year old cousin, Hunter, approached us. "Tiff?" I asked, "You know what happened last night, right?"

"Yes," she said, almost in tears. Suddenly I heard a shout. Liz had tripped over her dress and had fallen down. Hunter, who was very strong, tried to help her get up. Suddenly I heard a shout. "You hooligan!" shouted the Head Peacekeeper, "Don't you dare touch my daughter!" He took out his club. "Hunter! Watch out!" Tiff shouted, but it was too late; Liz's father had knocked Hunter unconscious! He turned toward Tiff, with his club, when Liz shouted, "No!" Her father turned around, "They're my friends! Don't hurt them!" she demanded.

"Elizabeth! What are you talking about? They are Taze kids!" he yelled.

"I know," Liz said strongly, "They are my friends!"

"How dare you?!" he shouted, "You know that I hate that!"

"I do," Liz said arrogantly. I gasped and looked to my left, at Shayne. He looked astonished that quiet, shy Liz was standing up to someone and especially that the someone was her father, the cruel Head Peacekeeper. The Head was enraged. He slapped Liz on the face in front of everyone. Liz screamed. Nobody dared to do anything, since he was the one to enforce all the rules in the town. He slapped Liz again and again. Liz continued screaming. Everyone in the square circled around them, staring in a horrified manner. Many wondered what had caused the Head Peacekeeper to beat his sweet, polite, quiet daughter. A few other Peacekeepers approached him and told him to stop. They were supposed to be protecting people at this big event, not punishing their children. The Head Peacekeeper nodded and dragged Liz to a corner and dropped her there. "Don't move!" he barked, "I'll deal with you after the reaping. That is, if you aren't one of the tributes." Liz just stared at him. "Liz, I'm so sorry!" Belle piped up, "I'll tell my daddy to do something." Liz looked at Belle with a half smile. "Move! Don't talk to her!" Liz's dad poked us with his club.

"Bye, Liz!" I called as I followed Shayne and Belle to the section where the twelve and thirteen year olds stood. I heard the Head's voice shout, "Don't think I won't be telling your parents that you are friends with Taze kids!" I doubt my parents would ever listen to his advice after they saw what just happened with Liz. I nudged Tiff. "Good luck!" I said.

"Thanks, I'll need it!" she responded worriedly.

Peacekeepers paced the square, making sure no one escaped. The announcer for the reaping, Brinkley Blanket, walked up to the microphone, teetering on her ridiculously high heels. "Good morning and happy Hunger Games!" she squeaked. "Before the reaping, let's play the annual video!" After the terrible video about the history of Panem, Brinkley spoke again. "Alright, we'll begin. May the odds be ever in your favor!" She walked over to a large bowl. "Ladies first, of course!" She fished around in the bowl, as Tiff grabbed my hand in fear. "Our lucky tribute this year is...," she cleared her throat, "Zoe Zinc Zirconium!"

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