Chapter Thirteen

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"Zeze! Zeze!" I heard a voice softly say. I tried to talk but I felt very sleepy, as though I had just woken up. "Are you alright? Please be okay!" the voice demanded urgently. I turned around and the person breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled me up. I realized it was Copper. "What happened?" I asked, woozily.

"You fainted coming down from the stage. I don't know why," he responded worriedly.

"It was the stage fright. I held myself together up there but when I came off, I couldn't believe everything I said up there."

"But why? You did great!" he said.

"Thank you. I was just scared. I have stage fright problems," I responded.

"But why? Nobody is going to make fun of you and all of the audience loves you!" he said.

"Well maybe it's like that for you. But not everyone has your charm on others!"

"So you mean I'm charming?" he teased, with a large grin on his face.

"No! Yes! I don't know..." my voice trailed off.

"Of course you do! Everybody thinks I am!" he responded proudly. Gosh, where did he get all this self confidence from? "Wait, did your stylist put lights in your earrings? Because they have lit up or something!" he said. The communicators! Shayne wanted to tell me something.

"I don't know. Wait, when did they turn on?" I wondered.

"Right before you said that not everyone has the charm I do," he said with a smile.

"Oh Copper, I'm not feeling well. I'm drowsy from fainting. I think I'll go wash my face. I'll be back!" I told him.

"Let me help you," he said as he held out his arm as a support to steady me, "I'll come with you."

"No thank you. I'd rather be on my own," I told him as I scampered out. I ran into the closest bathroom and shut the door. I tapped my earrings and hesitantly said, "Shayne?"

"Zeze!" I heard Shayne's voice exclaim, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine; I just fainted!" I told him.

"Who was that snobby guy?" he wondered.

"You mean the guy I was just with? That was Copper. He isn't snobby; he was just kidding!" I said.

"Oh," he said bluntly, "So you don't think he's charming?"

"I don't know about that. We were just kidding but he does have this charm..."

"Yeah, yeah I get it. Well I was going to talk about your interview, but never mind it now," he said.

"Wait, no! Tell me!" I demanded, "I did terrible, didn't I?"

"No! You did great!" he insisted.

"Then what?" I asked.

"I wanted to thank you for mentioning me and I wanted to say that your dress was... That you looked... Uh, that your dress made you look beautiful," he sputtered.

"You're welcome and thank you!" I told him, "Wait, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!" he said.

"You sounded kind of choked a moment ago. Anyways, thanks. I have to say Fauna did make me look pretty cool!" I said.

"Well, I don't think you looked that different from usual," he mumbled shyly. What did he mean by that? Did he mean that I didn't look as good as I thought? He couldn't mean that I always looked that good. "Zeze!" I heard a voice shout from outside. It was Copper. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Shayne, I have to go, or Copper will find out," I told Shayne.

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