Suhos & Kaisoos dirty little secret 001

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*note: I'm already wheezing because I don't know what to write and a bug is attacking me "NYAAAAAA" smh* ಥ‿ಥ

Once upon of time in a beautiful planet of ECO (Gonna leave the typo lmfao) there lived 9 beautiful boys LMAO WHO AM I KIDDING?! SIKE!  (☞゚∀゚)☞

LMAO all the jokes aside and let the story unfold.


This is going to be a long chapter so BEAR WITH ME! *padumsh*

:') i have no shame whatsoever.


Once upon of time in Eco (I swear to god JISOOS STOP ABUSING MY TYPOS SMH) *cough*

Let's start again :')

Once upon of time in EXO dorm there lived 9 guys that each of them had a little dirty secret. Each of them were also unique in their own and that's what made their fans take an interest in them. But there was one member in the group that would always be shadowed by his fellow member's names and success (I called it!) and that was EXO leader  Kim Jun Myeon.

Surprised or not that doesn't really matter, the sad part is that it was true. Suho was always shadowed by his fellow member's, but he didn't mind it, rather he was glad his member's had more and more fans stand them, he was truely happy for them. Thought the Exo leader admit that even thought he was happy for them, he had those rare moment's of sadness and melancholy, realization that he won't over shine the other members. But then again... did he really needed to do that?

The answer is neither yes nor no, it was simply a huge confusion in his heart. Day's passed and his heart felt heavier and heavier as the bordom and loneliness grew over his shoulders, every day seems to be rather sad or pointless. But Jun Myeon found a way how to heal his boredom... it was his little secret  (¬‿¬) ... Ladies and Gentleman I present you Kim Jun Myeons little dirty secret. *intense drum roll*  HE LOVED EAVESDROPING ON OTHERS!

That's right, this kind being loved listening to his members conversations. He didn't have any bad intentions, he's not that mischievous, rather he just liked seeing how his members intereact with each other. It was his little secret, that he didn't tell anyone and it all started that one fateful day then he saw one of his member's interact in another way then he expected :')


You see, Suho was walking around the quiet dorm and from boredom decided to enter one of his fellow member's room

"Ayyo Jongin you the-" Suho entered the room without even knocking, but was dumbfounded to see it empty "Ahhh.... welp... I was going to borrow one of his shirts, but i guess he's not here...." Suho sighed in disappointment and scratched the back of his nape as he walked towards the big closet full of clothes. He opened the closet while humming a tune and shifted between the clothes, before suddenly the sound of door creaking, made the older male startle and dive into the closet without even thinking. (Ikr smh)

Suho closed the door and instantly facepalmed in disbelief of what he actually just did, but it was too late to get out as he was simply too embarrassed.

His eye's shot up as he heard familiar voice's. It was Jongin and Kyungsoo, they sounded like they were arguing or something else. It wasn't clear as the closet doors and clothes muffled the sound of the two males.

He took a deep breath and sighed "what am I doing in here?... God it's hard to breath.... hmmm? Are they arguing?" The older thought to himself before his thoughts interrupted a ckreaking noise of the bed and the two males were silent.

The older covered his mouth as his eye's widdened seeing the sight before him through the small crack in between closed doors. *⚆ _ ⚆* Jongin and Kyungsoo were exchanged a passionate kiss on his bed, his hand going under the smaller males shirt, before he was stopped.

"Mhn~ J-Jongin.. what if someone sees us?" Kyungsoo looked at Kai with a worriedsome look on his face.

"...Don't worry... no one will see us... calm down..." he let out a small chuckle ghostly brushing his fingers against the other males cheek.

"B-But.... what if someone finds out about our relationship?" Kyungsoo looked at Jongin seriously.

To which Jongin replied with a chuckle and and a small peck on the smaller males neck. "Don't worry... rest asured there's definitely no one hiding in the closet and eavesdroping on us, hahahaha~" he laughed then noticed Kyungsoos serious face and sighed standing up.

"You want me check if someone is there?" He looked at D.O with a serious face.

"...." there was a long minute of silence in the room making Suho nervous. ⚆ _ ⚆

Kyungsoo just sighed and shook his head "...Nah"

"SIKE BISH YOU THROUGH!.... ahhhhhhh... But damn... I would have never thought Kyungsoo and Jongin were dating.... I mean i noticed that they were very close, but I thought that was only for fan service...." 

Suho sighed and bit his lip not really wanting to  stay here any longer, but he had no other choice at that point. Thanks to gods his prays were heard and someone from the kitchen shouted out all the member's names to come out and eat. Judging by the loud voice the owner had to be Chanyeol. At that moment he was so grateful to the younger male.

Once the two left the room, Suho lazily got out from the closet and fixed his hair then scratched his head, letting a yawn escape his mouth and after that a deep sigh.

"Well.... it could have been worst... But damn... that was kinda intense...." He chucked to himself as he got curious and wanted to listen to them more. But unfortunately the two male where gone. Somehow he felt excited as the adrenalin ran through his whole body giving him goosebumps.

"SUHO-SHI!" Chanyeol shouted out making Suho snap out from his thoughts and finally go to eat diner with the rest of the member's.


Hohoho I hope you like it :') if there will be any reader's or at least some people that actually enjoyed the story I might continue this :') next i MIGHT add some smut Idek.
Bye (ノ・ω・)ノ

EXO Dirty Little SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora