Training and Imprints

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Right now I'm sitting next to Paul because he's asleep and made me stay with him last night. It was 10:00am and he told me to wake him up. I shook him. "Paul wakey wakey." I said he mumble and rolled over. I sighed I climbed on top of him so I was straddling. I put my face close to his and tried waking him to no avail. I sighed again then smirked. I put my lips on his jaw and worked my way down and his eyes snapped open and I was flipped on my back and his eyes were darkened "You're playing a dangerous game you won't win babe." He said close to my face. I hummed. "Well you wouldn't wake up and I ran out of options." "I wouldn't mind if this is how you woke me up everyday." I shook my head and kissed him. He pushed my body further in the bed and tried getting his tongue in my mouth but I wouldn't let him making him growl and he grabbed my ass and squeezed really hard making me gasp and he shoved it in my mouth and explored every inch and crevice. We've had sex before but so it's nothing new but it's still hot every time. His hands roamed my body while his mouth latched on my neck making open mouthed kissed and he moved to weak spot and I moaned which made him tighten his grip on my hips then my phone rang. Paul groaned in annoyance and buried his face in my chest. I picked it up and it was Alice. "Yes Ali?" I said. "You need to leave your wolfy and get over here to help set up with the Graduation Party." I groaned. Paul then started kissing my chest. Making me bite my lip and push him away. "Why do I have to help?" I sighed. "Because you love me." "I'm starting to reconsider." Paul smiled in amusement. "Please, I already have your dress layed out, and we just have to set up the food." She sang. I scrunched up my face. "I'm not gonna win this one am I?" I asked. "Nope. I'll see you soon." She said and hung up. Paul looked at me with eyebrows raised. "What?" I said my face confused. He smiled and kissed my nose. "I think before you leave we need to finish what we started." He said with his husky voice that's always deeper when he's turned on I smirked and straddled him and slowly put my lips on his. He responded eagerly and when he went to deepen it I jumped up. "Love you. See you later." I said walking to the door. "Don't be a tease it's not nice. Love you too." "By the way a cold shower will help." He looked down. "Totally your fault. You could always come back and help." He said suggestively. "Don't think so love." I finally walked out and headed home.

We all got it set up and by the time we got done we had and hour and a half to get ready and Alice was freaking out shooing me and Rosalie upstairs while we shook our heads. I dressed in a black dress with sheer at the top, with wavy hair, studded heels, dark eyes, red lips.

The party was fun then Jake, Quil, Embry came in

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The party was fun then Jake, Quil, Embry came in. They were talking to Bella. I went and talked to Rosalie until we were called by Carlisle to the office. We walked in and in the corner of my eyes I seen Quils eyes look like there about to pop out.

We talked about fighting and witnesses and the Denalis wouldn't help because we wouldn't let them kill the wolves which was definitely not happening. I said I could get an Original and I called and Rebekah wasn't busy so she's helping. We agreed to meet at 9:00am to train.

The next morning Rebekah arrived at 6:00am. She came in and we hugged. At 8:30am we were waiting and talking. I was in

Rebekah was in similar stuff while Esme, Rose, and Alice had hoodie and yoga pants

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Rebekah was in similar stuff while Esme, Rose, and Alice had hoodie and yoga pants.
At 9:00am we heard pounding and the wolves came out my eyes immediately went to Paul. Rebekah was looking at them weirdly. She looked at me. "Those are the shifters and not werewolves right?" She said quickly and quietly. I nodded nobody payed us attention though. My neck still hurts from when we were seeing who could snap the other persons neck faster. We got each other at the same time. Jasper started explaining rules and everything and him and Emmett went first. Then Carlisle and Edward. Him and Rosalie. Him and Alice. Jasper called me up and I smirked. We spread out and told him to take the firsts shot. He ran at me and and shoved me in the air and I landed on my feet and sent him flying he got me on the ground and I shocked him and after about ten minutes I finally got his arms and my fangs at his neck. He groaned. I let him go. "Better luck next time you'll probably lose at that too." I said walking to Bekah. "I thought Jasper was the most experienced fighter." Edward translated Sam. "They both are but she let him take lead. She's the only one who's able to beat Jasper." I smiled smugly at him while he shook his head with a smile. Rebekah went against Rosalie. "Ooo. Blondes are going at it." I said next to Emmett. "Want to make a bet. I'll give you a hundred if Rebekah wins and if Rose wins you give me a hundred." "Deal. You're gonna lose just like you do at everything." We shook on it. We watched intensely and Rebekah landed close to the wolves and looked at Embry and he froze. A grin came on my face. 'We gotta shit ton of teasing from Embry time to return the favor.' Rebekah ended up winning. Emmett grumbled. "I'll pay you when we get home." "Damn right." After the training Sam asked me to come to La Push because of obvious reasons. I nodded eagerly looking looking at Embry. He huffed. I told Rebekah to go with Alice and she agreed. Once I got there Embry was sulking in a chair. I was smiling looking at Embry evilly and so was Paul. "So. Embry has found his imprint. Vanessa's friend tonight." Sam said. I looked at Embry. "You gave us hell for it you just wait." I said making everyone but Embry laugh. I teased Embry for a while.
Sam asked to have us meet Rebekah. I told Embry if he wasn't nice I was forcing him to drink blood and he quickly agreed. I got her and took her down and introduced everyone. "Not trying to be rude but Ness what are we doing here?" She asked. "You know about the imprinting thing right?" "Yes I remember I'm not dumb." I went to open my mouth when she beat me to it. "One word and your necks snapped." "You can't do that. One when I wake up I'll snap your neck and two I'll tell Nik because it's outside of training." She growled. The others looked horrified and Paul and Embry were a bit mad too. "Who's Nik? And no ones snapping necks." Sam said. "We'd come back. We're different vampires then my family I've told you this before." "Who's Nik?" Embry and Paul asked at the same time. "Nik or Klaus is my bloody idiotic brother and one of Vanessa's Best Friends who does anything she says." She said the last part annoyed while I smiled and waved mockingly. "I can't wait for you to meet him Embry I'm sure he'll hate you." Embry and Rebekah both looked at me horrified while the others looked amused and cautious. "No he has to love Embry and you're going to come with seeing as he only listens to you. We're not repeating these last centuries." "Hey he didn't kill Stefan, one came out alive." I said while the others looked horrified. "Well you have to come so I can't get daggered and he doesn't die." I rolled my eyes. "Trust me I know how to get him to listen." "And how is that exactly?" Paul said through clenched teeth. "Not what your thinking I give him the face." "The what?" Jared asked. I did it with tears in my eyes and my face was in sadness and my lips were shaking. They all felt bad while I sobered up and laughed with Rebekah. They all looked at me amazed. "Damn your good." Sam said. "Thank you Sammy." He rolled his eyes.

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