Chicago and Rebekah

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I packed my stuff got in my Ferrari and took off Chicago here I come.

I got there a couple hours before Nik and Stefan. I was excited to see them both but I have to torture Nik for a bit. He made Stefan a ripper without his consent whether or not he wanted it. I called Nik. (Nik italics, Vanessa bold)
"Hello Love, where are you?"
"I am in Chicago waiting for your dumbass."
"Oh well we'll be there in about an hour."
"Mmk hurry up I'm bored."
He chuckled "Ok Love. See you soon."
An hour passed and Nik and Stefan pulled up in the warehouse he said he'd be.
"It's about damn time!" I said exasperated. Nik laughed. Stefan just stood there. "Vanessa." I smirked. "The one and only." His lips tugged up and he came and hugged me. "What are you doing here?!" He said happy and confused. "Helping you two. Now let's go to Gloria's shall we?" I said and walked out with the men following me. We arrived and Klaus walked in first. A lady was standing behind the counter who I recognized in an instant. "So a hybrid walks into a bar-"
"Save it you're not that funny." She retorted making me chuckle silently. "Aww Stefan Salvatore. I see you're still with him." "Huh." She shook her head. "Poor Steffie doesn't know anything." I said making my presence known. She heard and looked at me and her face broke out into a grin as did mine. She opened her arms and I ran into them. "Good lord. Look at you. I see you're still hanging with the Mikealsons. I figured you'd be with Kol though." I made a disgusted face. "Yeah he'll no. The only Mikealson I hang out with is Klaus. Rebekah and Finn are daggered. Haven't seen Elijah in decades. Kol thank god is daggered in a coffin where I hope he rots." She looked surprised and clearly gave me a look that said 'we're talking about this later' I rolled my eyes but still nodded. "So whatcha need." "I need your help to figure out why my hybrids aren't working." "Oh so it's big if you need to ask for help. Did you do it right?" He sighed frustrated. "I sacrificed a vampire, I sacrificed the werewolf, I killed the Doppelgänger. It should be working. I need you to figure out why they aren't completing the transition." "Alright I'll help. But in order to do that I need to contact the Original Witch." He groaned. "Come on we'll be back." "Where are we going?" I said as he pulled me out with him. "To visit my dear sister." Oh god.

We got there and went to Rebekah's coffin. I was still a little ticked that they all left me and Klaus who's probably the most scared came back. But we met up after centuries telling me how they all missed me and that I should come back which I sure as hell wasn't going to do. She said Kol was heartbroken and wish he never even said that so I would still be with him. But I downright refused.
Nik yanked the dagger out and put it in his pocket. "Come on Rebekah wake up. *sigh* She's being dramatic. Let's go visit your old apartment Stefan. For old times sake." Stefan looked confused but complied. "Well I'm going back to Glorias to catch up. Text me when you're on your way back." They nodded and I flashed back there and walked in. She looked up when I walked in. "Now I think you have some explaining to do." She said sternly. I sighed and launched into detail.
I told her all about what did and said making me hate them all for awhile and the note I left. Then explained the imprint thing and she was happy to here that it had happened. Apparently she's known and didn't tell me. She asked if we're together and I said no he just got past that we were enemies. Then I got a text and met the boys at the door to the entrance. Klaus entered and had us hide. Which we did and he called for her seeing as how the coffin was empty next to compelled now, dead guy. "Rebekah. Come out come out wherever you are." He sang in a stupid childlike voice. She came out and took the dagger from him and stabbed his heart. "Oh come on you know that wouldn't kill me." "But I was hoping it would hurt a lot more." She hissed. "Well I brought you a surprise. Come on out." Stefan walked out first and she looked shocked and jumped on him who looked to me for an explanation. I just shrugged. "You don't remember do
you?" She said a little hurt. She then glared at Klaus who walked over to Stefan. "Now you remember." He said compelling him. He blanked out for a minute or so. "Klaus. Rebekah." She beamed and ran towards him. I spoke up. "Bekah I'm hurt. You don't even acknowledge the person that's like your sister." I said pouting. She looked at me and I slowly smirked. She started crying and ran to brake down in my arms. I just sat there while she was asking if it was really me. Nik cleared his throat. "Well enough of this. Gloria says you know how to contact the Original Witch. How?" She froze and her hand shot up to her neck and she went to frantically search her coffin. She screamed in frustration and flipped it over successfully shattering it. "Where is it?!" She screamed at Nik. "What did you do with it Nik?!" Nik was getting pissed. "I don't know Rebekah, you're the one that lost what we need to figure out my hybrids! We have to find it!" "It's been missing for 90 years! Where could it be?!" She screamed. After we left the warehouse we needed to go get Bekah some clothes considering she's wearing a 1920's flapper dress with a huge blood stain on the white fabric which to any passerby would be horrified. We went to a fancy clothing shop where Nik compelled everyone there to give us anything we want for free and ordered champagne. We went separate ways and I found Bekah a black dress. "Hey try this on." I said throwing it to her and she walked away. 5 minutes later. "There has to be more to this dress?" She said walking out. "There's not." Stefan replied bored. "So the twenty-first century is for women to dress like prostitutes?" She said revolted. "I used to get put down because I wore trousers." She said. "You wore trousers back then to create a trend for today." Nik said hoping to not get her mad. "So what do you think?" She said turning in a circle. "It's nice." Stefan said trying to be cheerful. "I can always tell when you're lying Stefan. You were so much more fun in the 20's. and what is this you people call music?" She said listening to the loud speaker. "It's dance music." I said. "Really it sounds like a cable car accident." "Yeah well can you just finish shopping so we can leave?" Stefan asked in annoyance. She huffed. "Well done mate." Nik said sarcastically. "Yeah well she's your sister." "I heard that!" She screamed. I just laughed.

30 minutes later we were walking out laden with shopping for each. We went back to Gloria's and she learned that the necklace was around some girls neck and if I believe that necklace belongs to a certain Elena Gilbert as a present from Stefan. Then we went to Mystic Falls where we need to do something I really wasn't paying attention. Mystic Falls here we come.

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