Warming Up and Leaving

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We went to Emily's and as soon as I walked in I was greeted to a smiling Emily. "I'm so glad you came back." She said and I smiled at her. "Good to see you kissed and made up." Sam said. "Too true." Paul said under his breath which I heard. He sat down and I sat next to Jared. The boys didn't greet me as usual but I could tell they were holding their tongues for Paul. So I turned to Sam. "How is she? Bella." He seemed a little taken back for a moment but recovered. He knew he shouldn't have been surprised because of how well they were all acquainted.      "The first day your family left, she was gone for hours. Charlie called a search party and eventually, I found her in the woods, cold and upset." I felt a small sting at Sam's words. I know he wasn't doing it intentionally, but the memories made me feel terribly guilty. "I haven't seen much of her lately. I suppose she's doing alright, or else Charlie would tell us otherwise." "Thank you, for taking care of her when my brother didn't. When I didn't, in that matter. Bella is still as much of a sister to me as Alice or Rosalie." From beside me Jared grumbled under his breath. "Then why did you and your family abandon her?" Paul kicked him in the shin and Jared cussed. "There was an incident at our house and Bella got hurt. It was then we realized how unsafe it is for her to be around eight vampires. She wants to become a vampire and Edward wants to give her a chance at a normal life because he thinks it's best for her. I hope once she gets over the heartbreak she'll see that." Paul was watching me as I looked around. "Can you read minds too?"
"Embry!" Emily screeched.
"What I'm curious?!"
"Unfortunately not. I bring quite a few other things to the table." This perked Jareds' as well as everybody else's curiosity. "What is it? Can you show us?" "Some things I will not show so I do not hurt anybody." "How about you tell us then show us?" Emery asked. "Okay. I have eight gifts the most anyone has ever had. My first gift is a shield. There are different kinds of shields and mine is a mental and physical. Very rare. I can block any gift that works with the mind and physical body." They stared "Does that mean the Bloodsucker can't read your mind?" Jared asked. "No. Not unless I want him to hear something. The second gift is Enhanced beauty. When I was turned immortal by a witch she added that with some other gifts then when I became a vampire-" "Wait that doesn't make any sense. You were turned immortal by a witch then became a vampire?" Paul questioned. "I'll tell you when I'm done it's a long story. Anyway all the gifts I had became very enhanced. The third gift is Electrokinesis. Basically I can Electrocute you I can give a zap to where you barely feel it or I can make you be in agony for days. The fourth gift is Mental Manipulation. I can make you do anything whatever I want even the Originals. The fifth gift is Pain Illusion. I can cause pain just by looking at someone and they drop in agony instantly. The sixth gift is Enhanced Strength. I am extremely strong way stronger than Emmett and a newborn. The seventh gift is Strength Manipulation. I can make anyone or anything think their not as strong as they really are. Basically it makes you useless. The eight gift is Memory Manipulation. I can change, erase, remove, restore, or transfer someone's memory. I can make someone forget who they are and only I can give it back." They were al shocked. "How is that possible?" Sam asked. "When I was seventeen I lost my parents to an attack and a witch and close friend named Emily Bennett decided she never wanted me to die, so she created the first spell to make someone immortal. It was like a vampire but I could still sleep and had no blood cravings and had a heartbeat. She thought that I would need powers so I could defend myself and then when I was attacked by werewolves my best friend Niklaus turned me and my previous powers were magnified I also got new ones." "You were attacked by werewolves?" Jared said. "Yep. That's how my parents died and I was turned." "I've heard the name Niklaus before a very strong vampire I think." I smirked. "Niklaus Mikealson. Original Hybrid." Sam paled a little. "Oh. The Vampire/Werewolf. How did you become best friends with that?" "In 1298 he stumbled across me and we've been best friends ever since." "How old are you?" Embry said confused. "I've been a vampire for 719 years." "What was it like in the 20's?" Emily asked. "Lots of partying. Flapper dresses." She smiled. "Now are you going to show us your gifts?" Jared exclaimed a little excited. "Which one? I'm can't do all of them?" I said because Physical Attraction is always on. My Shield is always on. The Pain Illusion I'm not showing. Memory manipulation is for drastic measures. My strength I can't turn off. So basically all I can show them is Electrokinesis but very lightly, Mental Manipulation, Strength Manipulation. I could probably shield someone too. "Do the Mental Manipulation." Embryo said. I grinned "Okay but I need a volunteer." I said holding up my hand. "Since your my imprint I'll go first. I'm curious." I took his hand and looked to everyone else. "Is their anything you've ever wanted or need him to do?" Jared lit up like a Christmas tree. "Yeah he can pay me back for that bet we made weeks ago!" Paul snorted. "In your dreams." I activated it and his eyes went cloudy. "Paul don't you want to pay back Jared for that bet you made weeks ago?" I asked with an alluring voice. He nodded and slapped ten dollars in Jared's expecting hand. "Forget anything I've ever said before. Your awesome." Embry rolled his eyes smiling and Sam was shaking his head with an amused expression. "What next?" "The electrocution thing. Make Jared go!" Embry said. I held up my hand and Jared looked at me. "What do I have to do. "Just touch my hand." He did and a school went his body and he looked weird. "What the hell?" He said looking at his finger and my hand over and over again. "I agree with Jared I like you."  Embry said. "What else can you show us?" Sam asked. "Either the shield or Strength Manipulation the others I can't show or it would be too painful." "Strength Manipulation. On Embry." I turned to him and looked in his eyes and he looked a little off balance for a minute because I drained everything. "I feel like I have noodle arms. Everything seems so heavy." "Well duh I drained all your strength and energy." "Can I have it back?" He asks in a rhetorical question. I smiled and put it all back. "Shield thing." I nkdded and looked at Sam. I expanded and projected it and he was suddenly in a silver-blue type shimmer. Then I snapped it back in place. "Damn. How did you do that?" Sam said. "Lots of practice."

We then all talked the next couple hours and I knew Nik would call soon because I promised I'd help him find a witch." My phone went off and I had a text from Nik. 
Meet me in Chicago in two days at Gloria's bar. Miss you:)
"You have to leave?" Paul said when I looked up. I nodded. "Wait I'm confused why are you leaving we like you. Paul likes you. Isn't that the whole point?" Jared said. "Well I have to help my friend search for a witch so he can do whatever he needs to do. I told him I'd help." "When are you coming back?" Embry and Paul said at the same time. "Don't know. Soon probably." "Well when you come back come here first." Emily said. "Okay I will." She came and gave me a hug. "Bye guys see ya later." I said and walked out. Paul winked my way and I ran home with a smile on my face.
They all watched her walk out. They were quiet until Sam spoke. "I like her. I wonder why she has a scent that doesn't stink." He pondered. "I like her too. She's not like I thought she'd be." Paul said with a smirk. Emily gave them all a smug look. "I told you so." She sang. They all laughed. "I can't wait for her to come back. She's entertaining." Jared said. "You wait when Quil and Jake turn. Quills gonna hit on her. Jake will be To be continued. His feelings are weird." Embry concluded. They chuckled. Not that any of them like the idea of them joining it's just they know it will happen.

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