Birthday Disaster

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Today is Bella's birthday and we're all excited. The last birthday we celebrated was Emmett's in 1935. A lot has happened since Bella's near-death experience, I swear she's a danger magnet attracting any and all danger. Edward and Bella spent the summer together and she is so happy. Emmett and Rose spent the summer in Africa. They were only supposed to be gone a couple weeks but I think Rose might have persuaded Emmett to stay the whole summer because she still hates Bella the only reason she's home now is because Em didn't want to miss the party. Alice and Jasper visited the Denalis and I visited Damon. Stefan is on ripper mode thanks to Niklaus and I called him because I was pissed and I yelled at him over the phone. Now they're looking for werewolves to make hybrids. Bella will be home at 7 o'clock and I'm waiting for Ali to come home to help set up.

It was currently 5 o'clock and Alice ordered everyone to shower and change. I went to my room showered and got ready everyone is going with dark colors like grey and black. So I have to match. I am wearing a short tight black dress, silver sparkly shoes, and curled hair, dark smokey eye, and a neutral lip.

I walked downstairs and Alice was the only one not down their because she is waiting for Edward and Bella

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I walked downstairs and Alice was the only one not down their because she is waiting for Edward and Bella. "You look beautiful sweetie." Esme told me and gave me a hug. Emmett wolf-whistled "Who knew you could look like that." He said cocky. "Thank you Emmett who knew you could look uglier than you did before." I said sickly sweet and blew him a kiss. The others chuckled. It just hit seven and Bella's thunderous orange truck pulled up. Alice skipped and squealed "Places!!!" and skipped out. I shook my head no one could be that perky except Alice. They walked in and were greeted by Esme and Carlisle. "Happy Birthday Bella." Esme said and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Sorry about all this we couldn't rein Alice in." Carlisle lied he is just as excited. "Smile!!" Alice said. Bella looked and she was blinded. She raised and eyebrow at Alice. "Oh sorry I found it in your bag hope you don't mind." "Ali you're supposed ask that before you go through someone's property." I told her everyone laughed while Alice playfully glared. "No I don't mind." Said a chuckling Bella. "Here time to open presents" Alice said to a now grumpy Bella. "I thought I said no presents..." Bella grumbled. I chuckled. Edward stood beside Emmett. "Dating an older woman. Hot." Emmett told him. Edward just looked at him. "What?" Em said. I internally rolled my eyes at his idiocy. "Vanessa give yours to her. " I handed it to her and she opened it and smiled. "It's a charm bracelet with both your names and birthstones." I told her and added in my head to Edward. 'and you can add everyone else's name once you get married.' Edward snapped his head to me and gave me a warning glare. "Thank you. I love it." Bella said and gave me a hug. "Rosalie you next." "It's a necklace Alice picked it out." She told her. I could tell she was trying her best to be polite but failed miserably because it came out stiff and a little forced. I stifled a laugh and she looked at me. "This is from Emmett and Jasper." She said giving her a box. She unwrapped it and stared at it. It was her radio that sucked. "" She said confused. We chuckled and even Rosalie cracked a smile. "It's a radio for your truck. Emmett's installing right now." She laughed. "Thank you." She told Jasper. "THANKS EMMETT." She yelled loudly. We could hear his booming bark-like laughter. Rose shook her head fondly. "Here. This is from Esme and I." Carlisle said handing her the rectangle package containing airline tickets. Just then Em walked and stood behind Rose. Bella smiled at him. "We thought you've been looking a little pale." Esme told her smiling. Bella took her finger trying to tear the paper and cut her self. "Ouch. Paper cut." She said everyone tensed because the blood smelled so good. Jasper lunged and Edward pushed Bella back into the glass table and threw Jasper into the piano successfully smashing it but he got right back up and Carlisle went to grab him but missed and Emmett came up from behind and grabbed him so I went up to him and used the strength manipulation that made it easier and he couldn't fight as much but his teeth was still snapping and suddenly there was eight ravenous vampires in the room. "Get Jasper out of here." Carlisle ordered and ran to Bella. Rosalie followed after Em and I with a smug face. We took him outside and waited for him to calm down. Alice and Esme followed shortly after and a while later Edward did too looking pained. I went up and gave him a hug. The others came over. "I think we should leave." He said shocking all of us. "Edward I'm so sorry this is all my fault-" Jasper started. "No it's mine. Don't blame yourself." He said and walked back in where Carlisle was finishing up with her arm. "Does anyone else reject this?" I said angrily. "Yes. This isn't going to do her any good." Alice said irritated. "She's a danger magnet she's bound to be in a near-death experience." I told them and walked in with Alice we waited in the living room for Edward. When he came in and explained everything we then started giving opinions.
(Esme)"I just want what's best for you and Bella, and if leaving is what you think is best then we can leave. But what about you? I want you too be happy." "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." He assured her.
(Carlisle)"I agree with Esme as long as you're happy son." He said.
(Rose)"I honestly don't care we're graduated I figured it was only a matter of time before something else happened." We all ignored her.
(Emmett)"I like it here I don't want to leave Bella. She's hilarious." He whined. Edwards lips turned up slightly in the corner.
(Jasper)"Its not up to me." He said guiltily.
(Me and Alice)"This isn't what's best for Bella. She's a danger magnet. She needs us and you leaving her is going to do nothing but hurt her. Do you really want her to be sad and miserable?" I hissed. "I agree with Vanessa this is t going to do her any good." Ali pipes in. "I understand this but she needs to at least try to have a normal life." He said. "Well we need to say goodbye." Alice said. "Yeah if we're leaving we need to tell her goodbye." I said. "No. She needs a clean break. We can't have you guys saying goodbye I'll explain to her what's going on. You guys will need to leave and I'll follow behind." He said. "Someone has to tell the Quilette Pack." Carlisle said. "Why?" Rose said. "Because were leaving its only fair. Vanessa will you do it please. I trust you not to screw it up." "Of course." I told him. We all went our separate ways. Edward and I are going after school tomorrow so that there is a translator just in case he comes in wolf form. I hope he doesn't I hate wolves because of the attack. I'm sure there not bad people but still it triggers bad memories.

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