Stuck In A Cabin With Him - Epilogue -

Start from the beginning

And me, I'm Sapphire, the craziest one and the one who says random crap. I keep everyone together. If someone messes with my friends, you don't want to know what will be coming at you. Also, I'm the one with the delicious boyfriend, Matthew.

"Matthew alert," Camille whispered. I looked forward and my heart thumped. "Oh brother," Kyle rolled his eyes. I socked Kyle on the arm. "Ow! Jeez, you didn't have to hit that hard! I was just kidding!" Kyle held his arm. "Wimp," Camille muttered. "You take that back!" Kyle looked at her. "No, it's true. Every time someone hits you, you yell," Camille smirked. "Do not!" he glared. Camille rolled her eyes and turned around.

She quickly turned around and socked him on the arm. "Ow!" Kyle yelled. "Wuss," Camille muttered. Kyle narrowed his eyes at her. "Fine, if you're not a -cough- wuss -cough- then let's make a deal. Every time someone hits you on the arm, you owe us five dollars," Camille smiled deviously. "Oh no! No way!" Kyle held up his hands. "Fine, then you're just a pussy," Camille walked towards George and sat next to him. "Am not! Fine you have a deal!" Kyle went to her and held out his hand.

"Perfect!" Camille spat in her hand and shook his. Kyle quickly pulled his hand away and wiped the spit on his hand. "Ew," Kyle said. "Camille, I agree with you. He's a pussy," Garrett laughed. "Hey guys," Matthew walked up to me and kissed me on my lips.

"Hey Matthew," the others said in unison. Matthew pressed me against the tree and kissed me again. "Okay, seriously, if you two have sex, don't mind us leaving," Camille said. "Sorry," I blushed. It felt kind of weird kissing in front of other people, but I guess I have to get use to public display of affections.

I gently pushed Matthew away and sat down. "Hey, no one said you didn't have to stop," Matthew pouted and sat down next to me. "Well, I don't want to have sex," I said quietly. Matthew smiled. "Whenever you're ready, then I'll be ready. Even if it's waiting for millions of years," Matthew entwined our hands together. I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled. "Such a precious moment," Kyle said in a gay voice. We laughed. We have nothing against gay people, it's just the way Kyle says it. "Oo, babe at 10:00," Kyle said looking past me. Camille raised her eyebrow at him. "Please, she's probably married," Camille scoffed. "Well, she's one hot mama," Kyle said watching whoever the person was.

"She's not a cougar," Fantasia laughed. "How do you know? I could go talk to her," Kyle said. "Oh please, she'll probably turn you down like Gretchen did," Camille laughed. "I wasn't Gretchen's taste. She probably likes the football fags. I mean she probably didn't like guys who wear skinny jeans and skater jeans," he said.

We nodded our heads. "Or, she just doesn't like you at all," Camille laughed. Kyle glared at her. "Please, I'm hot. I mean, who wouldn't go out with me?" Kyle said scoffing. Fantasia, Camille, and I raised our hands. "Our fuck off," Kyle said glaring. "Jackie, you would go out with me, right?" Kyle joked. "No," Jackie replied.

"Well, some girls at school find me attractive," Kyle said. "Yeah, the sluts," Camille said. "What's wrong with them? At least they have a hot body," Kyle said. "Whatever Kyle. But what we're trying to tell you is that you should go out with someone who loves just for you. Not because you have a hot body or are friends with Matthew," I said.

"At least let me have some fun. I can just mess with them. It's not like I'll be in a real relationship with one of them. And I haven't had a real girlfriend since middle school," Kyle said. "We're just protecting you," Camille smiled for real this time. "Thanks," Kyle smiled.

"Do you want go get a smoothie?" Matthew asked. "Sure," I smiled. "We're going to go," I stood up, still holding onto Matthew's hand. "See yeah later!" Camille said leaning against George. Everyone else said bye and we both left.

I rode in the car with Matthew since I didn't have mine. My car was at home. Camille picked me up and her house was close to the park, so we walked there. Matthew stopped in front of a smoothie shop. He got out and opened the passenger door for me. We went inside and ordered our drinks and sat down.

I kept thinking about what happened yesterday at the grocery store.


"I'm late!" I grabbed the grocery bags and quickly ran to out of the store. I wasn't paying attention where I was going exactly. I bumped into something or someone. My bags fell onto the ground and I quickly picked them up. "Here, let me help," a guy's voice said from in front of me. I looked up and saw a guy with straight dark brown hair. It was kind of short but it went a bit past his ears and he had front bangs. It also went past his ears a bit. Chocolate brown eyes stared right at me from behind the square-framed glasses.

"Thanks," I said standing up. He handed me the bags and smiled. "The names Jayden," he smiled. I looked at him closely. "Nice to meet you Jayden. I'm Sapphire," I smiled. "Unique name," he smiled. I nodded. "Uh, well I got to go! It's nice meeting you and thank you so much for helping me!" I said and ran towards my car.

**End of Flashback**

"Anything on your mind?" Matthew asked looking at me intently. I shook my head. "No, just an old flashback," I smiled. "During the summer, my parents were thinking about going to Italy. And if you want to come it'll be fine by them," he grinned. "That sounds nice. I'll be sure to ask my mom," I smiled back.

"Great." We talked and finished our smoothies. After finishing out smoothie, Matthew drove me to my house. He lived next door but he promised to hang out with his other friends. Matthew was still popular at school, I was pretty popular but it was because I was Matthew's girlfriend. He walked me up to the front door of my house. He leaned his head against my forehead.

"I'm so glad the drama is behind us," he whispered. "Me too," I smiled. I looked up at him. He leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. "I love you," he whispered. "I love you too," I kissed him back. "You sure you can't cancel the plan with your friends?" I whispered. "I promised. A promise is a promise," he kissed me again. "Tomorrow. You. Me. I promise," he said. "A promise is a promise," I whispered. "Bye," he said stepping back. Our fingers were still entwined and he walked back. Our fingers were slowly separating from each other. He walked back to his car and drove off.

I unlocked the front door and walked in. "Mom, I'm home!" I yelled. I heard laughing in dining room. I slowly walked towards it. There were no cars outside. So, who could be here? I can hear another voice. I was at the doorway now. And my eyes landed on a guy. The same guy I bumped into yesterday. "Mom, who's this?" I asked. Jee, Saph. That was a stupid question. You met him yesterday! "You mean you don't remember him?" My mom said looking astonished. I shook my head.

"Sweetie, Sapphire, this is Jayden. Jayden from yours and Matthew's childhood," My mom smiled. Jayden? Jayden is back. "Hey Tinker Bell," Jayden smiled.


Oh, Jayden is Sapphire's and Matthew's other childhood best friend!! I said it in chapter 21!

Yay! It's up! I decided for a sequel!

Comment and Vote please!

I didn't edit it! Sorry for any mistakes.

And yes, more drama is coming!

Love, Sam.

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