13: Giving In

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Maddison's P.O.V.

"Why are we here?" I ask him as we walk into a bank full of people.

"This is where it all happened." He states back, keeping his gun trained on me, hidden under a jacket covering his arm.

I look over my shoulder at him, "what happened?" His eyes stay trained in front of him, looking a head somewhere at the ground. I try to read the situation, "did you lose someone here?"

His eyes glaze with anger when I say that, "I lost the most important people in my life here. My wife and child." He spits.

"You had a family?" I ask him, needing to make conversation. If this is his end game, then he's going to take people out along with me, and I want this place to be as empty as possible when he pulls out his gun.

He forces me to turn around, placing the gun at my stomach, "I had a wife and an unborn child." He spits.

"What does this have to do with me? With my father?" I ask him, trying to make it sound like my voice isn't shaking.

"Your father saved me, not her. She died a few feet away from me in agonizing pain. I tried to tell him about the baby but he didn't listen, he was shouting over me." He explains, clearly enraged with retelling the story.

I keep my voice low, "I'm sorry" I whisper, and mean it.

"You will be." He simply states and I know I need to move quickly or risk getting hit in the gut with a bullet. I use my foot to kick his leg and twist my body to the side, going down with him. His gun goes off as expected and it hits me in the shoulder. I scream with pain as I fall to the ground and everyone else screams around me, running towards the door. Before I can see what's going on I hear another gunshot go off. Doyle then quickly gets up, shooting a third bullet into the air, "nobody move!" Everyone freezes and he moves his gun towards the people at the door. "Lock the door, go!" He demands. I look around and see that his second bullet has hit the officer on duty and he's down. The bank still has people inside, but less then when we first walked in. Still, anyone else is too many.

The people stand frozen and he gets irritated, I can hear him click, "I'm a detective, do what he says!" I yell through my pain.

Two of the three people move, locking the door with fear and turn back to look at Doyle, "Everyone out, let's go" He directs to the employees behind the counter, waving his gun at them. I try to keep pressure on my shoulder near my chest, wanting to stop the blood. I know there was enough time for someone behind the counter to trigger the alarm but that won't mean much to me if I'm already dead, "everyone, against the doors, let's go." He tells them all.

He's making a human shield so they can't get in. I know the police will be here, but they don't know who they are dealing with. I pray the BAU did what they do best and figured out where he was taking me and are on their way, "Doyle, let these people go. You only need me." I try to bargain with him.

He gives me a glare, keeping his gun trained towards the hostages, "you still don't know what we're doing here, do you?" He grins devilishly.

I shake my head, wanting to know what he has to say. I want to keep him talking, keep him engaged enough to buy more time, "tell me."

"I was going to give up my crimes for Kelly and our baby. I did everything right, and then she died. They died. I realized then that life will never be fair to me for all that I did and I knew what life I was suppose to live was one of crime, deception, theft, murder." He starts explaining.

"But you--"I go to say something but he shoots a bullet into the crowd.

"Shut up! Or next time I'll aim for their head!" I glance behind him to see a man on the floor grabbing at his leg, a few others around him trying to help, "it was about 18 years later that I learned about officer Grey being in the BAU. I did some research, learned he had a family, a daughter." I keep his stare, needing to know everything, "I followed you, learned of you. You reminded me of Kelly and I knew then what I had to do."

"Why didn't you just kidnap me? Leave my mother alone?" I spit out without thinking.

Luckily, my question is engaging enough for him to answer, "your father caused me pain, I had to cause him pain. He was going to give me his permission to marry you, to have a family with you. And if I couldn't have kids, neither could he."

"And now?" I question.

He comes closer to me, keeping his gun trained on the people in front of the bank, "now, you're father is going to watch his daughter die. He's going to lose everything like I lost everything."

I shake my head, "but what about a family, isn't that what you want?" I question, swallowing hard at what I'm about to say.

He snorts, "I was in prison a long time puppet, I can't have kids anymore." He admits to me, "I'm not so young anymore."

"I'm pregnant." I spill to him, the first time actually saying it out loud. Besides Spencer, no one else knows.

His eyes squint and he yells, "don't lie to me!" He comes over and swats me across the face with the end of his gun.

My head turns with the force of his hit but I quickly turn to look at him again, "I'm not. That's why I came back to New York in such a rush, to tell the father." I explain to him. I hope my team would be here by now but I can't trust in only that, I need to try to get out of here alive. For me and my baby, "we can leave right now, get away clean and start a family."

"Don't patronize me." He spits, pulling my face to his as he squats to the floor to reach my eye level.

I shake but answer, "I'm not. I chose to come with you, you can take me wherever. I won't fight. I just want to have this baby." I say, rubbing at my stomach for effect.

He takes a moment to think it over, and I try to keep my face calm. He eventually helps me stand, wrapping an arm around me but keeping the gun on everyone else, "we need a way out." He looks around and points to a women, "you, c'mere." He directs.

She points to herself, "m-m-me?"

"Now!" He shouts, lifting the gun hire to point it at her head. She comes up to us and he gets closer to her face with straight terror in her eyes, "I know there's another way out of here. Where is it?" He demands.

She points to a column, a door behind it, "down those stairs and through the hall, the second door on your right." She shakes when she tells him.

He quickly slaps her with the but of the gun and she falls to the ground with a scream, "let's go." He begins to drag me towards that door. I walk with him, ready to try and fight the gun from him once away from the hostages.

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