33: Family First

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The next week the officers are dragged through court on the shooting case. I testify to what I witnessed, as does Olivia and Finn. When the case is over and everyone tries to move on, Maddison and I head to Amanda's baby shower, hosted by her mother, "Ugh, I feel like a cow." she says to me as we go into the apartment.

"Oh God, stop it." I pull her close as I roll my eyes as we get closer to the front door, "you look fantastic!" I compliment her, truly meaning it. I've never seen a women more beautiful than her right now.

A man greets us as we walk in and we thank him, quickly spotting Amanda and Fin straight ahead of us, "go ahead, I'm just gonna put my jacket down" she tells me as the man helps her with it.

I nod, moving towards our friend, "hey, Rollins, sorry we're late."

"Hey." Amanda says back to me.

The women next to her eyes me with a deviously sly grin, "and who's this charming young man?"

I strap on my infamous grin and reply, "Sonny Carisi, ma'am" I say back, lifting a hand to shake.

"Oh, thank you for coming." She replies in a thick Goergian accent, "champagne?" She asks me, as a waiter walks over with a few glasses on a tray.

"Yeah, sure." I accept, taking one in my free hand.

"Hey Amanda, sorry we're late." Maddison says coming over to us and leaning in to give her a hug, "you look wonderful." She compliments her.

Amanda rolls her eyes, "thanks, Maddison, this is my mother, mom this is Maddison." Amanda introduces us.

"It's nice to meet you." Maddison lifts her hand to shake but Amanda's mother just smirks in return and nods.

She turns a bit of a shoulder to her, "nice to meet you too."

"Momma." Amanda hisses at her. Amanda points over to her side, giving us an out away from here, "you can put that over there." She points to the table of gifts.

"Okay." I return, gesturing for Maddison to lead the way.

As she begins to walk I hear Amanda's mother mutter under her breath "why would you have another pregnant women at your shower? This is about you and the baby, not her and her baby!"

I shake my head with a small chuckle as we move to place the gift down.


"I do not want a baby shower." I whisper into Sonny's ear as everyone eats, drinks and talks. I quickly look over to Amanda who is painfully talking to a women I've never seen before, clearly wishing she was anywhere but there.

Sonny asks, "why not? You get so many of the things you need from your friends and family."

I shake my head a bit, "yeah but everyone is staring at you, everyone wants to touch your belly." Reminding me of the incident that took place in the bathroom I forgot to tell him, "oh, some women in the restroom just came up and started rubbing mine and cooing at it! It was insane!"

He chuckles back, "Oh come on, they're probably just excited for you!" I snort out of my nose my response to that, "and besides, we're having twins, we could use all the diapers people are gonna offer."

I roll my eyes again but reluctantly agree, "yeah, I know. It's just going to suck."

"Oh, come on! You're not even going to give it a chance." He nudges me in the arm with a cute grin.

The rest of the party was fun as Sonny, Fin, Olivia and I chatted like friends about non work things that kept our moods in bright spirits. When Olivia excuses herself to go change Noah, Sonny and I excuse ourselves to head home. "Ugh, it's getting harder and harder to stay up late." I say as we get into the taxi.

"You want a foot massage when we get home?" He asks as lean into him to close my eyes.

"I'd love one." I accept the offer, "and home, huh? You're really gonna call it that?" I ask him, very much aware of the wording he used.

I can feel his facial muscles move knowing he's now smiling, "come on, won't it be so much better coming home to all your stuff in one place? Less travel from work." He lists off all the positives of me moving in with him. I shake my head slightly and let him try to convince me why moving in together is just so perfect.

The next morning in the precinct Amanda walks into the small break room for some coffee, Sonny says, "hey, Amanda, your mom seemed really nice."

Amanda sarcastically returns, "doesn't she?"

He goes on, not catching her tone, "yeah. Having her here must be a relief."

"Mm-hmm." She simply hums.

"Hey, did you like the heated diaper wipes caddy thing we got you? 'Cause my sister, she swears by that." He asks.

"That was you?" She asks, a sour look on her face. I give her an apologetic grin, knowing she's not as excited about all this as he is. But before Sonny could answer, Amanda sighs out, "Ah. That must be our new sergeant."

"Dodds' oldest son, huh?" Fin says out, "wonder how he got this job."

"C'mon guys, give him a chance." I defend the stranger, knowing how people feel when your father has a title in the business. You can have all the credentials but you still have to prove yourself twice over.

"Better get back to work." Fin calls out and we all engage towards our respective desks.

It's not long before my phone rings with a case. I slowly walk into Olivia's office, "Hey, Deputy Chief, sorry to interrupt."

"Detective Grey, meet Sergeant Dodds." Olivia introduces me to our new Sergeant

"How are you?" I ask him kindly.

"Hi there. What's going on?" He says back, wanting the information.

"We just got a call. Alessandra Bay, she's the lead violinist for this group, Belle Donne, was assaulted in her room last night at the Park Milano." I tell her, "all right if I meet Fin and Carisi down there?" I ask my boss with an agreeing head nod.

"Aren't you on desk duty, Detective?" The chief asks me.

"Yes, sir, but it's a four-star hotel." I tell him, biting my tongue from further explaining why it wouldn't be a big deal for me to go.

Olivia chimes in, "Grey, how about you and Sergeant Dodds stay here with Rollins, hold down the fort." She nods her own head, wanting to pawn off the new guy.

The chief states, "better idea, take Mike with you."

Mike returns, possibly a bit nervous, "yeah, no time like the present."

"Okay then." Olivia smiles, moving to leave her office. I give them a curt head nod and return to my desk.

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