6. Day Out

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I stood there, in the middle of and empty street, not sure why I was here or how I got here. I tried to move out of the way, but my feet wouldn't let me. It was as if they were stuck in place. "Help!" I tried to shout, but nothing came out.  

I heard a crash. Screams came from every direction, mixed with the sounds of blaring horns and loud banging. I turned my head to the source of the loud banging. It was a car, one like my aunt's. The car flipped over and over,flying through the air and tumbling over and over until finally it came to a stop, upside down.

There was a girl laying there, infront of the car, her blonde hair bloody and strolled everywhere. My blood ran cold as the girl turned her head and faced me. I realized that it was me. The girl was me. I was petrified. I tried screaming, but once more it was silent. Nothing came out. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the girl- from me. I paid attention as she mouthed something. 

"Ryleigh," she spoke. Her voice was soft and easy to hear, even though she was so far away. The soft tone of her voice didn't match the terror on her- my face.. "Ryleigh wake up! Ryleigh wake up!" 

I screamed again as I sat up, this time my voice was finally heard. My brother's hands were on my shoulders, and a worried expression came across his face. My hair was wet with sweat and my face had tears streaming down it. 

"Adam," I sighed as I hugged him, continuing to cry. When I pulled away I noticed the guys standing there, looking at me as if I had just died and come back to life. 

"You okay?" Luke spoke softly as he sat down next to me. I shook my head and sobbed harder as he wrapped his arms around me. I shifted from Adam to him, not embarrassed a bit that I had no pants on, and just let the tears stream out and onto his bare chest. Finally it was all out, and I was under control again. "What happened babe?" 

"Every night she has a bad dream, wakes up like this," Adam explained. 

"Then how come she didn't have one when we spent the night at the hotel?" he countered. 

"I don't know, that's the first and only night since the hospital that I have slept through the night." I croaked. My voice was muffled by his chest as I answered his question. His hand started rubbing small circles into my back.  

"What are they about?" he asked. 

"She has never told any of us, she doesn't like to talk about it." Adam scratched the back of his neck ans his tense muscles finally relaxed. Everyone in the room was so quiet for at least ten minutes.

"I think I 'm gonna go back to bed," Adam broke the silence. "What time is it?" 

"Around two," Michael spoke. I felt bad that I had woken everybody up, especially the guys. Not only is it the middle of the night, but they are also having to get used to this time change. 

"Alright then, love ya sis," Adam said as he yawned and stood from the bed. He walked out of the room, giving Michael a clap on the back as he walked out. 

"Love you too." 

One by one the boys filed out of the room, until finally it was just Luke and I left, sitting on the bed. 

"I guess I better get back to sleep," he said. He kissed the top of my head before standing from the bed and starting for the door. 

"Please stay," I begged as I grabbed his wrist, "Please don't leave me." He turned back around, taking his place back on the bed. 

"I will stay right here," he soothed. We sat there for a while, his arms around me as we rocked back and forth. "Let's go to sleep yeah?" 

I nodded my head and we got under the covers. He wrapped his arms back around me as I cuddled into his chest, letting his body warm mine. Before I knew it, I was off into a strangely peacful sleep.

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