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Two weeks has passed since I last saw the guys. My nightmareless sleep only lasted a night, for the first time I tried to sleep once I got home Adam had to rush into my room in order to calm me down.

Luke and I have been texting and talking on the phone nonstop, and he has been on my mind the whole time. I can't stop thinking about how he kissed me, and just how he acted towards me in general. I know it was only like two days and I barely know him, but I am completely infactuated with him. We have really gotten to know a lot about each other since we have been talking, and I couldn't be happier about that. 

At first I was miserable. I hated going back to my normal life of no memories, spending my whole day in school, then my whole night in music therapy. All I could think about was being back at the hotel, sitting beside Luke while Adam and Michael did their thing, all of us laughing at how silly Ashton and Calum were.

As the hours of the day went by, Luke and I started talking more and more; as much as we could. Now it has gotten to where I stay hoarded up in my room, on the phone with him, talking for hours on end.

I sat up in my bed, dreading a whole Saturday of therapy. Usually I don't have therapy on the weekend, but Adam said that Dr. Matthews called, and he wants to see me today. I was beyond pissed at him for making me come in today, taking away my free day.

I sat up and grabbed my phone, dissapointed that my usual morning text from Australia hadn't come in yet.  At first I thought, Well maybe he hasn't woken up yet, but then I remembered that Australia is on the other side of the world, and the hours are almost completely opposite from the hours here in Florida. Even though the hours are so different, he always makes sure to text me in time to have a text to wake up to, which I think is super sweet of him. 

I decided to just forget about it as I got out of bed to go take a shower. The water was hot, and felt good on my skin. I sat there, basking in the water for a moment before bathing and washing my hair. 

When I got out I checked my phone again, only to be dissapointed when I still had no text from Luke. Why hasn't he texted me? Did he fall asleep early or something? I sat my phone down and walked to my closet to pick out my clothes. I decided on just a pair of denim shorts and a purple and blue tie-dyed crop top. I would wear pants, but come on. It is almost Summer and I live in freaking Florida, it is way too hot to be wearing a pair of damn pants. 

I let my hair dry without brushing it, my natural waves coming out. I spent a lot of time on my make-up this morning, just because I like to spend my time on it when I can. 

"Ready to go Leigh?" I heard my brother shout. I slipped on a pair of Vans and stormed down the stairs. 

"Yeah," I told him. "Where is Mom? We should be leaving by now." My mother is always the one to drive me to my therapy sessions. 

"No, I'm driving you today," he told me, and I got confused. 

"Why?" I grabbed an apple but threw it back into the fruit bowl when I saw the cereal bars laying on the counter. 

"Mom has some stuff to do for work, so she asked me to take you." He slipped on a pair of shoes and headed to the door. "Well come on Sis," he told me. I finished the last of my choocolate cereal bar and followed him out of the door.  

The ride started out quiet. It wasn't awkward, we were just both tired due to it only being around eight in the morning. The hospital isn't that far away, but it feels like we have been driving forever. I looked up from my phone to see where we were. 

"Adam!" I yelled, "Why the hell are we going this way?" He did nothing but laugh, making me even more furious. "It's not funny! Now I am gonna be late to this damn appointment that I don't even want to go to in the first place!" Still he laughed. 

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