Chapter 28: The Past, Unmasked.

Start from the beginning

His eyes were a little teary and I felt my heart break a little more for my little cherub. I reached across Owen's lap and held Sean's hand tightly.

Sean squeezed back and Marc took over from him. "After Kaylie...left us, we were in a tailspin. Then, we learnt to covet control in more aspects of our lives, so that we don't experience that again. Phil- Phil was great. He helped us get the best resources... And...once we noticed that Team Blackbourne were natural Doms, we introduced the concept to them, when they were with Sang. They took to it, like duck to water, our apprentices" he joked slightly, making some of them crack small smiles.

"They were the worst teachers, especially Raven," North chortled lightly.

"Fuck you too West" Raven retorted, eliciting more laughter about the room

"But, Sang, she didn't understand. She thought abusive natures were taking hold of us, and with nothing to hold her to us she left. We offered to abandon that part of us, if it meant her staying. We tried- we tried explaining to her, that it wasn't hate, more like the exact opposite but she wouldn't have it. Even Team Toma tried to help, to no avail. She saw her opportunity to leave, and she took it." Luke said quietly.

"She used us, to get herself a better life. She married a rich man, and last we heard was she was having her honeymoon in the Bahamas.. until today." Gabriel muttered bitterly.

"Team Toma were still recovering from their breakup with Kaylie, and we just had our own rough breakup. Our mentor and trusted friend at the Academy, as we mentioned, Phil, personally counselled us through this.  It was he who suggested we go on the break-up retreat. We couldn't have gotten through without him." Silas admitted

I sighed hugely, retracting my hand so that I could rest my head on my palm. "Okay, so you guys known her for like 4-5years at least? What will be her play?"

They blinked at me. "Wait, you're not gonna ask us more about our dominant tendencies ?"

"Or ask us to ditch it?"

''Or get jealous of Sang?''

"Or give any ultimatums?"

I laughed a little, "It doesn't matter she's gone. And, I'm not gonna leave you guys for wanting control in your lives! That's crazy. Not to mention, I quite enjoy our little adventures, " I winked at them saucily.

Axel let out a strained laugh. "God, I love you so much Hayden."

I couldn't help the cheesy grin that spread across my face. One by one the guys proclaimed their love for me, making me feel like I was on top of the world. I just let my head fall onto Owen's shoulder and he pressed a kiss to my head.

"So, I also kinda wanna meet this Phil if you're okay with it? I have to meet the guy who helped my boys. He's such a big part of your lives, and if I'm gonna be a part of it, I want to know him" I voiced

"Sure, baby girl , Phil would love that. I'll call him tomorrow and maybe we can have him over for lunch the coming weekend?" Sean agreed easily, the rest nodding excitedly.

"We could always go out and meet him? Especially if Sang's watching. We don't want her finding this place. That Italian place round the corner from AxeBlackbourne is nice. My treat?"

North snorted. " I'm alright with everything but that last part. You're not paying dollface"


"It's best to let us have our way. Don't worry; we can afford it" Axel winked cheekily.

"Hmph. Fine. Next time then."

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