[ Chapter 15 ]

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"Dalvin, no!" I screamed as he pulled me around, "I'm serious, no!"

Suddenly, I was thrown and completely submerged in water with a huge splash, and I could hear the laughed of people as I popped my head back up quickly.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I shouted, trying to get out of the pool.

"Oooh, you better get him, girl!" Mary shouted from the side as I hopped out, running quickly and as carefully as I could. He dashed to the side of the house and I followed him, the both of us ending up in a secluded area away from everyone else.

"You think you can just get away with throwing me in the pool?" I questioned, pushing him playfully as he tried to defend himself.

"You still look good though!" He exclaimed.

"That's not the point, you asshole," I shot back, and that's when I noticed how close we were again.

Well shit.

"So..." I began, sighing. "I was thinking...maybe sometime soon, you could - come over to my place," I said, smiling sheepishly, "And meet my aunt and uncle?" I added that last part quickly.

"Uh...." he said, unsure of what to say.

"You don't have to, I just - they'd really like to meet you."

He was quiet, almost like he was hesitating to say no.

"I just figured I'd ask. If you don't want to or you're not ready for that - "

"No, it's not that I don't want to, I just....I don't think I've ever had any girl's parents ask to meet me. And I know they ain't your parents but they are taking care of you."


"Uh, I guess I can just....come over, maybe....a couple weeks from now?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

We were silent as I stared at his full lips, and suddenly we were kissing once again, like a continuation of our night at his apartment.

Our bodies pressed together as he managed to push me up against the house, our tongues twisting in passion as his hands roamed down my backside.

We were both high, but neither of us gave a damn. So much for taking it slow, though.

My hand slid down his crotch, palming it's slight bulge and he backed away a bit, breaking away from my mouth.

"You really tryin' to do this right now?"

"You started it," I said, bring my mouth back to his.

He pulled away reluctantly again. "I did, but....look, I'ma be honest with you - I ain't really - you know....did much before."

I made a small gasping noise.

"So you are a virgin," I declared, and he gave a screwed up face.

"Who told you that?"

"Nobody," I said quickly, "It's your demeanor. Sometimes."

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