[ Chapter 10 ]

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"Bianca," I heard a few knocks on my bedroom door, "You decent?"

"Yeah," I said, pulling on my left sock.

The door opened and Darrell came in, looking around my room before his eyes settled on me.

"Where you goin'?"

I looked up at him, annoyed. "To go play basketball with Dalvin, I told y'all about this."

"Oh yeah, you did. What ever happened to that other boy?"

"I'm not feelin' him as much anymore," I said, not even caring enough to correct him.

"This boy, Dalvin, does he have a job?"

"Kinda? He's a singer. Him and his group are signed to Uptown Records," I said, adjusting my sock before pulling up the other one

"Is that like a mom-and-pop type of company?"

I shook my head, snorting. "Nah, it's a big deal. They sell a lot of records."

"Right. Do you mind if I drive you?" He asked, and I stopped in the middle of fixing my sock just to look at him and stare in confusion.

"I mean....no?"

He nodded and walked out, and I stared after him before shaking my head and putting on my shoes. I tied my hair up into a quick ponytail and left my room, Darrell waiting for me in the living room.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

When we got in the car, things were quiet. Maybe because this was the longest we'd ever gone without arguing or roasting one another.

"Is there something that you wanted to," I began, turning my head, "Talk to me about?"

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't know, it's just that you always tell me to walk or take the bus somewhere."

"Well, you're right. I wanted to talk to you about this boy....Devin."


"Same thing. Anyways, I know that you like this boy - "

"How do you know anything?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Because I heard you and your auntie talking about it, that's how," he said.

"So you were listenin' in on our conversation?" I asked.

"No, child. You two don't exactly talk quietly, you know," he said, his eyes on the road.

"....that's a fair statement," I said, nodding my head.

"Like I was saying, I know you like this boy but you gotta keep your eyes open," he said, and I folded my arms across my chest.

"For what?"

"You know what. He's an eighteen year old boy, they don't usually got pure intentions."

"Well I know that. He's just....a little different. Or least I think he is," I shrugged.

"You can't just think, you gotta know. All I'm saying to you is this: be cautious. Because if you're not, you're gonna end up in a situation that you might not be able to get out of," he said, turning a corner

"A situation like what?" I questioned.

"Bianca, you're not a stupid kid. You know what kinds of situations I'm talking about here. And while we're on the subject, even if he does have good intentions with you....he's still a boy. Which leads me to this question - "

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