[ Chapter 1 ]

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Even the air was different. I mean, it was just as humid as Houston was, but it just wasn't the same.

I knew before I graduated that I was gonna come live with Aunt Pamela and her boyfriend, but that didn't mean that I wanted to come. As a matter of fact, the only reason I was out here was because my parents wanted me out of their house and I didn't have anywhere else to go.

So here I was, walking down a New York sidewalk with my Walkman in the pocket of my shorts, playing Bell Biv DeVoe's album in my headphones.

Kiss me pretty baby, and touch me all over
Girl, what makes you think you can do me?
Do you think you can do me?

I spotted a convenience store and went inside, palming the five dollar bill inside my pocket as I roamed around looking for some Cheetos. An older Asian lady came by with a broom, seemingly minding her own business as she swept. I grabbed a bag before heading to the refrigerators in the back, looking for a Coke. I felt eyes on me as I was looking, and I turned my head to see the Asian lady quickly turn her head as if she was still minding her own business.

I turned my head back uncomfortably as I grabbed a cherry Coke and made my way to the front. So it was that kind of store. I lived in Texas my whole life, so it wasn't like it new to me, but still, it didn't fail to irritate me every time.

I took my headphones off and I raised an eyebrow at the boy standing behind the cash register.

How the hell can you be racist and have a black man working in your store? What kind of dumbass shit...

"Is that all?" He asked, and I nodded.

He took the soda from me and started charging it on the register before he looked back up me, showing off pearly white teeth.

"I've never seen you around here, are you new?" He asked in his youthful, yet deep voice. I couldn't help but act smile, this boy was too cute.

"Yeah, I just moved here from Houston," I said bashfully.

"Oh, so you a country girl, huh?" He asked, his expression and body language as friendly as can be. The Asian woman peered at us from around a row of chips and I ignored her.

"Not really, Houston ain't really as country as people think," I said, and he laughed.

"Your accent could've fooled me," he said, and I looked at him, confused.

"My accent? I ain't got no accent," I said, before I paused, suddenly noticing the country twang in my voice.

"I ain't got no accent," he mocked jokingly, and I laughed at his impression of me until the old lady cleared her throat, and I looked over at her annoyed. If this lady don't get her old ass -

"Anyways, that's gonna be $3.25," he said, and I pulled out my five dollar bill in silence and gave to him, watching him open up the register.

He handed me my change back. "I'm Nate, by the way," he said, extending his hand.

I took it, shaking his hand politely. "Bianca, nice to meet you." I looked around briefly before asking, "Hey, do know you any places hiring nearby?"

He thought a for a moment. "Well, we're hiring, but if you wanna work here you're gonna have to have some, uh....." he looked over at the lady, who had her back turned momentarily, "Thick skin."


"But it pays good though. I can put in a good word for you if you want?"

"Yeah, sure. We'll see what happens. I'll see you around?"

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