Mistake 10

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The words that escaped her mouth were true, but why?

Ron was shocked to see his wife telling him that she didn't love him anymore. He never meant to be mean but he had to know the truth. The shock in his face was enough to tell Hermione his heart was broken.

"I'm really sorry. I love you but it's....it's complicated." She started "Please, don't hate me." She said looking into Ron's eyes. Ron thought about it. He loved Hermione with all his heart, he only wanted what was best for her. He took a deep breath. He pulled out his wand. " petrificus totalus." He said. A white light flew from his wand. Hermione could do nothing, she didn't have a wand, otherwise she would've countered the spell and much more. She fell to the ground, her eyes filled with fear.

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