Mistake 7

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"Draco?" Said Hermione at last. "But you were....Why......we..." said Hermione. So many questions ran through her head. "You are a great kisser, Weasley is lucky." He said. "It wasn't real, I was really mad at Ron. I did it out of anger." Said Hermione. "That's ok." Said Draco. He leaned in again and so did she. Hermione leaned out again and took off her own mask. It fell to the grass alongside Draco's.

It was then that Hermione realized her feelings for Draco. She no longer regretted the first kiss. "How long have you had feelings for me?" Said Hermione. Draco thought about it for a moment then said. "The first time I layed eyes on you, I loved you but I didn't know what to do. Blood status was important to me at the time."

"It's getting late, I better go." Said Hermione standing up. "I'll come with you." He said also starting to get up. "No, I have to deal with Ron myself." She said. And with that she left.

She said farewell and congratulations and apperated home.

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