Mistake 6

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Hermione walked out of the rose garden and searched for the masked man. She looked in all the places that a friend of Harry or Ginny's might be, but he was not there. She went back to the rose garden, not really wanting to talk to anyone.

The masked man sat on the bench holding a white rose. He looked up and saw her. "I thought you'd be here." He said. His voice was familiar but she couldn't place it. "Kiss me." She said, not believing what she said. "What-" but he didn't finish because Hermione had kissed him.

It was the best thing she ever did. It was a very passionate thing. Like playing a game with only two players. After a while Hermione realized that he had been kissing back. They continued, and she knew that the man behind the mask felt the same way as she did. So no harm in revealing who it was. She put her hands on his face and reached for the ribbon that tied up his mask. The mask fell onto the grass, revealing his face.

Hermione gasped and covered her mouth in shock but not horror.

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