Chapter 2- Skylar's P.O.V

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My eyes cracked open, I only saw a cold  white light. The light was blinding. It looked as if it were a scene from a movie, the scene in which  the person had died and they first thing they  see is a white light in heaven. Was I still living?
I could only hear echoes of sounds.

Trying to move my lips to utter a few words,  I felt something taped to my mouth and felt it move around my throat when I moved my lips. I blinked a few times, only to clear up the fact I was in a hospital bed.

"Oh my goodness! She's waking up , nurse! Nurse!" I could hear a mans voice yelling but didn't recognize it. The mysterious man ran to my bed side. My hand became wet due to his tears rolling off his cheeks.

When I looked over I was in shock...

"Dad?" I tired to say but the tube blocked my capability of speaking.

" Don't talk sweety. Until, the nurse is here."

A women in a purple scrub suit ran in frantically.

" DOCTOR!" She yelled out the door.
Immediately she ran to me " It's going to be okay Sweet heart. Let me just get this tube out."

The doctor ran in " Hello, Skylar we are going to take the tube out and unhook some of the machines."

The nurse lightly nudged my father to move away from holding my hand.
They began pulling of wires of my chest and then, they pulled the tube out of my throat

It itched and burned. They finally got it out. " May I have some water?" I coughed. My voice was rough and hoarse .

"What happened? Why am I here?" I tilted my head back, my head was beating like a drum, a steady yet powerful rhythm. I scanned the room squinting only make out a few things.

"And I've only been here a few hours , why are there so many flowers?"
I shut my sensitive eyes.

"We will give you guys sometime to catch up. " The doctor motioned his hand toward the nurse. They left the room.

"Um honey..." my father hesitated
"You've been here a little over 5 months...."  he sighed deeply.

"... What?..." I was exasperated. 
My leg began to sting.
"What's wrong with my leg?!" I  ripped the cover off.

There I looked, at my leg, that wasn't there. Mid way through my calf was gone.
"...Where..... Where did it go?!" I stuttered. Shocked and scared I look at my father with cow eyes.

My fathers eyes filled with tears.
"You and your mother were in a very vicious car accident." He shook his head, shaking the tears from their cage. "Your door flew open and your leg was pinched in between our car and the bumper of another. When the paramedics got there..." he hesitated "your leg was hanging on by only a thread of skin."

I started to cry. " No... No....what am I going to do? I can't play basketball or soccer... I cant" I began sobbing.
" Where's mom? Why isn't she here?"

My dad took a very deep breathe.  "Skylar, your mother died in that accident." he sniffled " her neck broke on impact of the head rest.."

"What...?" I was dumbfounded. My mind filled with anger I became broken on the inside. The women who raised me , clothed me , feed me , and protected me from the darkness of the world, was now gone from the grasp of my hand. Salty tears ran down from my eyes. How can this be? How is she gone? Why? Who did this?

"Dad.... What's going to happen now?"

He breathed in and out blowing a raspberry "Well, I'm getting shipped out to Iraq in about a your going to move in with your aunt in New Orleans "

" I am leaving Portland....?" I couldn't wrap my head around the fact my world exploded within a few minutes. I was in disbelief.

"Will I be healed in a month?" I muttered looking down. More tears strolled down my cheeks.

"Not quite." He sighed " You're being moved to a children's hospital there  ."

"I am going to New Orleans... The voodoo witch doctors?"

"There aren't witch doctors down there. " he chuckled  "You're spending about a month in the hospital for intense therapy, then will go live with your Aunt."

"I guess. Why can't you just stay in Portland with me?" I sighed.

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