Starting Over

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   (Frisk P.O.V.)

I opened my eyes to see I was laying on the flower bed in the ruins which means everything reset. Which means one important thing.... everyone.... is alive.. heh I don't know if I'll be able to see and not feel guilt or break down.

I got up from the bed I was laying on and looked around, I spotted the path out of the room from last time I was here and went through it at the end there were more buttercups with flower in the center. It was easy to tell it was him by how torn his petals were and when he looked at me I could tell he had hidden fear.

Flashes of the last timeline came and I remembered,

{ok here Frisk is called Chara because she's possessed}

   Chara walked through her old home I felt what she felt at the moment and I felt wonder and sympathy, I guess she was wondering why this place was so black and white and my little guess is that asgore changed to show how sad, blank, and empty it is without his family, I can tell since that's what Chara is thinking and feeling.

    Chara was in the living/dining room looking at the stuff. Only thing in the room was the buttercup flower on the table in the vase and that's it everything else is black white, and grey even the books and fireplace. She was walking past the couch about to head to the next room when flowey popped out of the ground,

   "Howdy, Chara! You finally made it home. Remember when we used to play here? Hee hee hee... Boy! Today's gonna be just as fun"
     Flowey said the last part with his creepy face and then vanished back into the ground which allowed Chara who only listened to what he said through. After Chara went into the kitchen and got the key and also got pissed that there was no chocolate she went back into the living room when she was almost out flowey popped up again,

  "I remember when I first woke up here, in the garden. I was so scared. I couldn't feel my arms or my legs... my entire body had turned into a flower!"Mom! Dad! Somebody help me!" I called out. But nobody came."
   He then disappeared back into the ground. Chara felt disappointed hearing he was scared that he turned into that because if he had no soul then he shouldn't have felt that fear and saw that as a way to breaking him. And she continued.

   Chara walked into her old room and saw two present boxes that stood out and opened them. She found a heart shaped locket where the heart was red and the outer rim was gold and connected to the little chains that held it that were also gold, and a real knife unlike the toy knife back into the ruins and for some odd reason there was a beating feeling coming from it when she put it on almost as if it were alive. I shivered but Chara smiled as if she found a lost toy.

    After looking around she left the room and started heading down the hallway towards the other key needed to unlock the chains keeping her from going downstairs until flowey popped up again,

     "Eventually, the king found me, crying in the garden. I explained what had happened to him. Then he held me, Chara. He held me with tears in his eyes, something that rarely happens, saying... "There, there. Everything is going to be alright." He was so... Emotional. But... For some reason... I didn't feel anything at all"

Chara still felt like she could break him but I doubt it I mean he found joy in toying with people and hurting them so I don't know how she will do it. Flowey went back into the ground and I'm starting to feel like the more we move onward the more he'll pop up and tell a story. Chara then grabbed the second key and continued down the hall and saw the same mirror as the one in the ruins but when I looked in the reflection it may have been me but it wasn't me. Chara then walked in asgore a room and looked at the things left in there. After searching she walked back the the center room and used the keys to take off the chain keeping her from reaching the stairs to go down stairs.

She never had a choice GZtale (sans x frisk)Where stories live. Discover now