Soul Fight part 2

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(Ganz P.O.V.)

I watched the fight unfold from the darkness. It was such a struggle not to run in and break it up to help Frisk. I'd often dream about seeing Jean, Luke, and Allyssa again... but not like this... not with all this Hate in them... and I can't help but blame myself for all this, I'm the one that Jean fueled his Hate towards... and Luke just Hated me for my actions that caused Jeans death... the rest I don't know how they got this Hatred but I'll ask during this fight.

When I saw Luke's gun pointed straight at Frisks face, something in me snapped and it took a lot of effort not to just blast him to smithereens but he was still a friend. Was. I used 'soul grab' and grabbed his soul straightening his arm out so it wouldn't hit Frisks face when it shot. I walked out of my hiding spot and said,
       "Hey your supposed to say it's high noon Luke."
Everyone looked at me in surprise. And I continued,
"But we all make mistakes."

       The six humans expressions changed from surprise to anger and Frisks changed to worry. Looks like fighting is all I got to do now *sigh* let's do this.

|Ganz enters the fight|
|Fight continue|

      (Third person P.O.V.)

     Reynard dashes at Ganz fist held back as it started glowing for power. He tries to punch Ganz but Ganz uses teleport to move a few feet to Reynards right, Reynard looks at Ganz with a annoyed expression and grunts and try's attacking him again but Ganz uses soul grab and throughs Reynard up and slams him down cracking the ground. "You know for a boxer I thought you'd at least think before you swing." Ganz says to Reynards laying figure and shoots some blue bones out of the ground to subdue Reynard without hurting by forcing him to stay still so he doesn't get hurt. Ganz was able to lean forward in time to avoid a roundhouse kick to the back of the head from Allyssa and when he leans back up she tries to kick him straight in the chest but he catches her foot before it can land a blow and holds it back because she's applying force, "I trusted you and you killed an innocent human to live, HOW COULD YOU!!!" Allyssa shouts at Ganz who's struggling to hold back the kick "I did what I had to to-" "YOU DID WHAT YOU HAD TO SAVE YOURSELF!!" "NO I DID IT BECAUSE THERE WAS NO OTHER WAY OUT OF THERE WE BOTH WOULD HAVE DIED AND ONE IS BETTER THAN NONE!!" {yeah I tried finding a better reason for this other than him saving himself like Allyssa said but this was sorta the best could come up with.. Sorry-Sorry I'll shut up now} Ganz then pushed Allyssas foot to the left and Allyssa lost balance falling forward with her right leg up front and ended up doing a split but because she was a practiced ballerina it didn't affect her and she quickly recovered. Allyssa then tried to do a downward kick in the air on Ganz but got hit by his flying bone attack into the stomach and went flying back and landed on her back knocking the wind out of her. While she was down Ganz shot another set of blue bones out of the ground and subdued her.

While Ganz was fighting Reynard and Allyssa, Frisk got up after using the distraction Ganz made to free herself from Luke's hold and got to a good enough distance from him ready to continue the fight, "I got to find a way to end this without anyone dyeing though I don't know how me and Ganz could end up killing the six fallen humans since their already dead. But maybe it's that their souls still exist after death and if we kill them their souls will shatter and I can reset things after we deal with Chara... but.. that's not how I want to do things, I want to help them and get rid of their Hatred not kill them and have stay in anger for the rest of their existence than I'd be no better than Chara." Frisk thought as she looked at Luke, Ime, and Clara and glanced over at Reynard and Allyssa fighting Ganz but she noticed something... "where's Jean?!" She didn't have time to think about it as Ime came and tried to end her with his knife she dodged the attack and avoided the shots from Luke. She didn't see the word attack from Clara from behind and she cried out in pain but she knew she couldn't shed a tear because she couldn't show weakness in this fight. She tried talking to them, "you don't have to do this! Don't you know that if Chara wins she'll go to the surface and kill everyone?!" "We know and we want to do this." Luke responded coolly, Frisk was surprised and didn't believe what she was hearing and tried to knock some sense into him "How much has this Hate affected you Luke, your forgetting the right from wrong?! Can't you see that?!" Luke grunted hearing that starting to realize and remember who he used to be and see how much he's changing "tsk. Sh-shut up as if you knew what was right from wrong" "Well compared to you right now I'm pretty much the the Justice soul" Frisk said back with both seriousness and tease. Ime tried to hold in the laughter but ended up to snicker trying to hide his smile with his hand. Unlucky for him Luke heard and got embarrassed that he was told right from wrong by a girl and got angry and pointed his gun at Ime with mad eyes shutting up Ime with the threat. Luke sighed looked back at Frisk and said, "Enough. Look you can't change us from what we are now and you don't have a choice but to just let Chara win and have her get up to the surface and destroy the humans up there." Hearing that she didn't have a choice Frisk sorta snapped letting her own inner demon control her with Anger and she became twisted. "As of you should say that I don't have a choice. Your dead. What gives you the right to tell me what to do and expect me to listen?" Frisk said as her head was looking down with her hair covering her eyes and she started giggling and then looked up at Luke fast and stared at him with her eyes showing. They were hollow and pupils faded as if she had no soul and smiled "Plus you died to a skeleton that Chara killed using my body. I could have easily killed him as her if I wasn't a pacifist unlike you where you were already a fighter and couldn't beat him how pathetic." Luke got angrier being told he was weaker than a pacifist and aimed his gun quickly at her and shot. But Frisk was gone in an instant as if teleported. Luke flinched at the sight of her disappearing then heard a whisper behind him, "you know this feels oddly familiar- oh yeah didn't you die like this you know being attacked from behind not standing a chance I guess this situation is similar because... Your about to die and you stand no chance!" Luke's anger was replaced with fear remembering the day he died and how Frisk had such speed and had kept it hidden from basically everyone. Even Chara. Luke quickly turned to see Frisk holding a red glowing knife that had purple little whisps floating off it which wasn't right. She room started to change too a little, little specks of purple cracks were forming on the floors, in the shadows on the walls, and the sealing. Luke just barely evaded the down swing of the knife that ended up leaving a cut in the front of his hat and cutting off a few strands of hair. Ime and Clara were surprised too by the sudden change in Frisks attitude and jumped away to avoid a chance of being cut by her knife. Clara was first to attack and shot as many words as she could handle without taking a break at Frisk. Frisk saw this and smiled and started running towards Clara with her knife and as she ran she dodged the word attacks and just for fun destroyed some with her knife and taunted Clara by avoiding and dodging some by doing things like dancing, walking, slumping around as if tired and just waking up... and even dabbing. Clara was getting annoyed that this Frisk was taking her attacks as if it was a game, but a small part of her thought it was funny and childish. Clara was about to send another barrage of attacks at Frisk but the high speed almost teleport thing again and was right in Front of Clara and then cutted up her book with her knife making Clara powerless. Clara freaked out at the sudden appearance of Frisk that she fell back and landed on her butt scared of Frisk because Frisk now stood above her with her hair covering her hair with a grin on her face. Frisk had the knife ready to end Clara's existence but chose not to end it sparring Clara and did a quick turn to go after her next target and as she veered there was a red light line where her eyes were showed a red after glow,

She never had a choice GZtale (sans x frisk)Where stories live. Discover now