It hurts

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Eren's POV

I lay awake all night looking up into the the dark unsightly ceiling of the dungeon room, I groaned as I turned over on my side. Why was Levi standing there and why was he crying? Does he really still lying was Mikasa just assuming? Even if I can't just go back to him what if Mikasa was in the end telling the truth. And in my nightmare it said that my love was turning him weak, I can't disagree thanks to me humanities strongest is more focused on me then saving humanity. It hurts because the worst part was that I actually loved him, I have never felt this way before in my whole life and the crazy thing is I don't know if I will ever again. 

Levi's POV

I lay awake in my bed looking at the dimly lighted ceiling of my room, I sighed as I thought of all the moments where I would of regretted being there, alive or done that. I kept trying to put Eren and I's relationship there but I couldn't it was like nothing I have ever felt before. I never loved someone before I had a rough childhood and I alway distanced people but was Eren different? I didn't want to lose him but he is acting like we never even kissed or went out, god that sounded weird just saying it. "Hey Levi you ready?!?"Hanji said bursting into my room

"what the hell are you doing here shitty glasses!!"I arose from my bed

"getting you for a outing, remember we planned this?"she asked and I tried to remember but I couldn't think of anything.

"are you sure!?"I asked looking at the time seeing it being only 8am "we usually leave at 9to 11am if we do why a hour earlier?"

"because....ahhh"she thought for a second "because....Erwin needed to leave earlier didn't give a reason"she said and I sighed I don't remember but I guess I have to get ready then. I got my outfit on and cape and walked out with Hanji towards the shed where everything in. "ahh Levi can you come with me for a quick second please!!"she asked and I nodded

"fine it better be quick they better not leave"I said

"well they won't leave without you thats why I want you to come with me so they won't leave without me"she said nervously and I was a bit weirded out of what to happen next.

Eren's POV 

I woke up and got dressed and walked upstairs to the meeting hall too see if anyone was around and then someone tapped me on the shoulder "who's there!!?"I asked turning around to see Jean

"hey Yeager come with me"Jean said I was confused

"why should I listen too you?"I asked and he sighed

"okay I don't really know why I agreed to get you for this but she made me so come on"

"TO WHAT!?"I asked

"there is a outing for everyone so Hanji asked for me to get you"Jean said

"why get Mikasa or Armin to do it?"I asked

"well......umm"he paused and I looked around confused "because Hanji told me too and yeah so get your ass over to here!!!"Jean said and started to pull me by grabbing my wrist. 

"okay, okay I get it"I said I noticed we went a different way "we are going the wrong way Jean you dumb ass!"I said trying to get free

"no we aren't okay I don't like this either but I have too because its for your happiness, at least thats what Hanji said"Jean said and started to drag me again what was happening what does he mean happiness weren't we just going on a outing outside the walls??


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