Regular size and attack

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Levi POV

As neko Eren hugged me Erwin came in and told me there was a titan attacking I hated to leave Eren and I didn't want him to get hurt but I needed to go I put him down on my bed and left with my 3D mover gear on i could see the worry in little Eren's eyes

Eren's POV

I watched Levi leave a attack was attacking how but I wouldn't ask i was alone in a place being attack by titans and I was a little neko version so I couldn't fight then I saw it a big titan looking right at me as I saw wrapped in my towel. And reached down to grab me. I never thought I would die like this and I wasn't a titan sifter anymore as I am a neko right now. It grabbed me by my shirt and opened its mouth "MEOW!!"i yelled at the top of my lungs then i could see Levi running and swinging with his 3D mover gear

"EREN!!!!"levi yelled going as fast as he could but then the titan dropped me Levi was still far away i was going to die but then this thing flew out of no where to save me. We landed on the ground and I saw it was hanji in her hand was a position she forced me to drink it and I turned back to normal. Mikasa killed the titan and Levi came running too me

Levi POV

That little brat almost getting himself killed I thought zipping though the air to him. I saw hanji and Eren but normal sized but still with cay ears and tail "Oh my god!! You brat, you sacred the shit out of me never do that again"I said hugging him

"Meow?"he said I guess he still can't talk but at least he is back to normal size but then we looked again and saw that he was only eight years old

"Um..hanji he is eight years old"I said looking at Eren then Eren looked at himself for a second and mad annoyed eyes at hanji

"Oops I guess I didn't add some thing too it"she said I was really angry but little eight year old Eren looked even cuter eve if Eren didn't like it

Eren's POV

I got back to the base where the roof up off everyone wondered how a titan got inside the gates without no holes I wondered too but rhe titan was dead and I am still alive that is what matters. I sat down on Levi's bed looking up at the sky wondering what would happened next because it couldn't get worse than this. Levi and I were moved into a spare Room while Levi's room was getting fixed I had to stay inside the room at all times unless levi said I could so I mostly wrote and read books levi had it as fun but boring because while they were out fighting titans I was here reading and sleeping and running around. Levi had to take me outside the walls for a titan killing time but had to take me or else I would be left alone again I was reading my books in my new survey corps uniform witch was the same outfit but smaller.

"You okay?"levi asked me and I nodded riding in the back of the wagon again filled my mind with memories if me hurt and stuff i couldn't but at least I had reading to help me while Levi rides the horse to out little shelter if it was still there

"TITAN!!"jean yelled I looked up to see a titan running at us i could feel my body tense up

"Eren get down cover your ears and close you eyes okay"Levi said I tried to ask why bit all the came our was meow "I know you would ask why and I have to say that you just have to listen too me if you trust me"Levi said
With a straight face. I was worried I saw someone die I didn't know there name but I couldn't handle it I did what Levi said and heard rhe screaming of everything I was so sacred I wanted Levi to comfort me like he does the i heat it the un-snapping of our wagon and Levi's horse I meowed as Levi looked at me "Eren!"he yelled but couldn't stop because he had to keep you going not to die then I found my self under a tree near the forest and I saw this house I went inside to find a man and a woman there both neko's like me and I saw there daughter bright blonde hair

"Hello little guy how are you?"the woman asked

"Good"I tired to say even though it would just come out in a meow

"Well that is nice its good to be good"the man said and all I could think is that they understood me

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